In June 2018, the news broke that a top-ranking US Cardinal and former Archbishop of Washington D.C., Theodore McCarrick, was accused of historic homosexual abuse of a preadolescent boy some 45 years ago. Since then, said McCarrick has resigned from the College of Cardinals (which is rather a nice way out - he should have removed by the Pope), and is under a sort of Church house-arrest, supposedly in prayer and penance whilst an investigation is under way - or at least that is the impression Rome gives. But in only two months since the news broke, it turns out that a mass cover up took place (and is still taking place) as it comes to pass that practically every single US bishop is feigning ignorance of McCarrick's sexual abuse of not only a 11 year old boy, but of seminarians and young priests. Yet, even mere laymen knew of his abuse, as it was an open secret. The Catholic laity of the United States are not buying, though, and are reacting to the US Episcopacy with righteous anger and outrage. But McCarrick isn't alone as a #CatholicMeToo movement has now come into existence, with sex abuse stories being brought into the light from around the US. Victims have now acquired the necessary strength and boldness to start speaking out. From what I understand, Church Militant has received hundreds of personal accounts from victims as part of their #CatholicMeToo investigation. As I mentioned in my Commentary on Clerical Sex Abuse, the vast majority of sex abuse in the Catholic Church is homosexual, and the current explosion of sex abuse in the US has proven that, yet again. Of course, the situation is embarrassing for pro-LGBT advocates both within and without the Church, and they are trying to pass it off as not being a "gay problem". Not only teenagers, but even young men are being victimised by this abuse, including, as I mentioned above, priests and seminarians studying for the Priesthood. My opinions on this disgusting matter can be summed up as follows: 1. This is a demonic attack on the Priesthood of Jesus Christ, and on the Church and on the eternal salvation of every good Catholic. 2. The clergy of whatsoever rank who either perpetrate this abuse or cover up for those who do (as it seems that every US bishop has), have not supernatural Faith, and being void of sanctifying grace from God they are completely in the control of Satan, who is using them to wage war on the Mystical Body of Christ. 3. Such clergy are not only traitors to Jesus Christ and Holy Mother Church, they are enemies of Jesus Christ, of the Church and of every good, orthodox and faithful Catholic, and thus is behooves the Holy Father to use the full extent of his Supreme Office to laicise (defrock) and excommunicate all such persons. 4. It also behooves every good Catholic to cease their support for the bishops of the United States, even the so-called "good bishops", until either such bishops are removed or they prove themselves faithful to Jesus Christ. 5. The Lavender Mafia, the name given to these homosexual abusers, are known for targeting orthodox clerics, seeking them out to use them in cruel ways, such as manipulating and abusing the Sacrament of Penance. They will seek out orthodox clerics to confess too, only to confess they are homosexuals and actively abusing men so that the good priest they are confessing to cannot report the homosexuals because the Seal of Confession forbids them to. Therefore, we should earnestly pray for those good priests who are trapped in the middle, unable to speak out either for fear of retaliation from evil bishops or because the Seal of Confession restrains them from doing so. Although such priests cannot speak of what is confessed to them, we can pray that God reveals it, since God is not bound by the Seal. By the way, such abuse of the Sacrament of Penance by the Lavender Mafia means they are not absolved of their sins, since they are not repentant of them. Thus, they are in mortal sin and are on the road to Hell and damnation. I wish to document here the progression of this Sex Abuse Apocalypse, and although I cannot link to every article on the subject since there too many of them, I will try to link to as many as I can. I expect most of them will come from Church Militant who have an ongoing investigation on this. I will update this post with more links when I come across them. Check back regularly. 13/08/2018: It has been stated that the sex abuse amongst the clergy is due to the requirement for Latin Rite clerics to be celibate. This opinion is not only opined by non-Catholics, but even by Catholics. This is an incorrect opinion. This opinion is usually stated by people who erroneously believe (no doubt via the MSM) that the sex abuse is against minors, which it isn't for the most part. I read an article which stated that abuse against minors is about 0.3% or something similar to that, however at present I cannot remember what article it was. If/when I re-discover it, I will link to it. It has also been stated that about 10% of the world-wide clergy are homosexual, a source of this being Church Militant. As we can see, especially from the links below, it has nothing to do with celibacy but with the fact that the dominate culture amongst the clergy is homosexuality. Even in the Eastern Rites of the Church, as well as in the Orthodox Churches, they too have sexual abuse amongst their clergy, even though they have married clergy. Even Protestant denominations have sexually abusive ministers, and they have married ministers as well! Here we can see that even with married ministers, the sex abuse still takes place. It has everything to do with the rampant homosexuality in the Priesthood. Back in July, I read an article on LifeSite defending priestly celibacy. I present it here for my readers to reflect and ponder about. Since Christ was celibate, and since He foretold the celibate life of the Saints in the Heaven, celibacy is thus a foreshadowing of the Life To Come. Therefore, since priests are alter Christus, and are to be perfect earthly icons of the High Priest Himself, they are to show us what we hope to attain in the Beatific Vision. Thus, celibacy bears witness to the Resurrection and to the Kingdom of Heaven. Since it is the duty of Holy Mother Church to make that same Kingdom, with all its aspects, present on earth, it stands to reason that She would - by Divine Guidance - instil celibacy upon Her Sons (the Clergy), as they reflect Her Divine Spouse, Jesus Christ. In addition to this, we know that the Apostles were either celibate (St. Paul) or lived continent lives (St. Peter). That is, though some of the Apostles were married, it is the tradition of the Church that they ceased conjugal relations with their wives after being called to the Apostolic College by Our Lord. In this way, whether married or not, the Apostles began from the first moment to perfectly imitate the chaste life of the Saviour. As the article states, Christ Himself stated that there are some to whom it is given to live celibate lives (St. Matt. 19:10, onwards). These some are priests (and others) who are given special graces by God to bear the vow of celibacy, though, as we see, a portion of them cannot bear this vow, though this is no fault of God. The article states regarding the Early Church: Historical study of the Pastoral Letters of St. Paul seem to indicate that the idea was to ordain men who had shown, by their fidelity, to have only one wife in their lives, and that they therefore would be capable of living in continence after ordination. St. Paul's use of the word “sister-woman” in context with the companions of the Apostles (I Cor. 9:5), says Selin, was interpreted by the Church Fathers as women “who served the material needs of their apostolic ministry, as did the women who followed Jesus.” The article details how, from the earliest days, the Church required sexual continence of Her married clergy, which eventually lead to celibate, unmarried clergy. So, contrary to the Protestant view that celibacy was a novelty imposed by the Pope in the 12th Century, we see that the imposition of celibacy on the clergy was a logical, and spiritual, conclusion to the married continence of early ages. I will finish with this: according to the argument of some, if not having sexual relations is making priests abuse other men, then ordaining viri probati (married men) to the Priesthood according to the Apostolic Tradition (i.e. with said men being continent after ordination) means that heterosexual, married men are going to sexually abuse other men after ordination due to not being allowed to have sexual relations with their wives. If this be the case, then why would you exacerbate the problem by ordaining married men?! Again, the sex abuse is not about celibacy, but homosexuality. 17/08/18: On Tuesday 14th August 2018, the Grand Jury Report naming over 300 predator priests in the Ecclesiastical Province of Philadelphia, which covers the whole of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, was released. I have only read some of it, as it is around 880 pages long. It contains rather harrowing details of some of the abuse they investigated. It is most interesting to note that in the introduction to the Report, it is mentioned how most of the victims are male, that is, that most of the abuse is homosexual. This, of course, is no surprise to me, as I have detailed here how the dominate culture is homosexuality within the Priesthood. The age range of these male victims is around 11-17 years of age. The Report leaves out sex abuse amongst adults, which is no doubt to add to the growing list of abuse. The Report details sexual abuse amongst the dioceses of the Province, and one of interest is the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh was the former See of Cardinal Donald Wuerl, now Archbishop of Washington, DC. In the report, he is shown to have had extensive knowledge of abuse. One can read the harrowing accounts from pages 207-250 of the report, though I recommend caution when doing so. I shall speak on Wuerl later in this update. It is now being intimated, from what I understand, that other States within the US are considering their own investigations. Since it is clear that the Hierarchy cannot police either themselves or their subordinates, it is left to the civil authorities to take charge of the investigation, which is rather embarrassing to the Church. But, the Lord wills to purge His Church of this filth, and will do in a most painful manner as a lesson. Since He was subjected to an ignominious Passion, so too must the Church - His own Mystical Body - suffer the same. Whilst this Ecclesial Passion is a painful process, it is a time of grace for faithful, orthodox Catholics. Many have been, for decades, detailing the collapse of the Church since the 60's, and now it being publicly exposed, despite some Hierarchs' protestations that such a collapse doesn't exist. Incidentally, what happened in the 60's in the Church? We had, from 1962-1965, the Second Vatican Council, which was used by the Modernists/Progressives (who were friendly with the Communists who had infiltrated the Church by the thousands, along with the homosexuals & Freemasons) as a spring-board to launch their heresies into the mainstream of the Church. Modernism, in simple terms, is the heresy that the Church must "modernise" with the times, and accept contemporary trends, in Her teachings, liturgy - everything. It was rightly condemned in 1907 by Pope St. Pius X in his Encyclical, Pascendi Dominici Gregis. Sadly, it is now mainstream in the Church, and most are tainted with it. Wonder why Pope Francis says things alien and contrary to the Church's perennial teachings? Wonder why bishops say rather outrageous things, or why Father so-and-so says un-Catholic things? Simple answer: Modernism. This may be rather strange to some, but it is heretical to say the Church must catch up to modernity, or that Her teachings are out of date. In his Syllabus of Errors, Pope Pius IX condemns the statement: 80. The Roman Pontiff can, and ought to, reconcile himself, and come to terms with progress, liberalism and modern civilization.- -Allocution "Jamdudum cernimus," March 18, 1861. In these days, we hear from such apostates as Fr. James Martin, SJ., who go around saying how the Church needs to update Her teachings as regards homosexuality and to accept homosexual sexual acts, as well as transgenderism and other such practises. Ironically, it is these very homosexuals who are in the Priesthood abusing boys and men! Of course, we are assured that the rampant sodomy in the Church is nothing to do with homosexuality. So, what do you call it when a man sexually abuses other men, then? Naturally, the pro-gay cadre in the Church and in the media refer to the sex abuse as "paedophilia", even though the majority of victims are usually in their teens, and so is pederasty (or ephebophilia), not paedophilia. And they never, ever, call it homosexual pederasty, since that damages their agendas. So they use euphemisms to keep people in ignorance. It has to be stated again and again. We have a homosexual crisis in the Church. No amount of euphemism is going to change that fact. Indeed, some Bishops are beginning to publicly state the fact, as one can see below in the links. Now, let us move on to Wuerl. His response to all of this has been completely pathetic and downright offensive. In this CBS interview (in which he really irritates me with his oily mode of speaking), when asked about whether he will resign over the sex abuse (and his cover up of it) he states that the abuse took place over decades, thus trying to lay blame on past bishops. He also claimed that moving abusive priests around "wasn't our process". The Report has revealed him to be a liar. He also makes reference to the Dallas Charter, a supposed means of protecting people from sex abuse in the Church in the US. However, the Charter only refers to priests, not bishops, thus allowing people like Wuerl to potentially get off scott-free. He also claims ignorance of McCarrick's abuse, which no one buys, including myself. Wuerl succeeded McCarrick as Archbishop of Washington DC, and was aware of monies being paid out to settle McCarrick's abuse. In another interview, with Fox, Wuerl does his same oily speaking to make himself sound genuine and honest! He feigns that the Report shows that he did good, yet the same Report details how he gave thousands of dollars (donated by good Catholics, I might add, without their knowledge or consent) to a priest, Fr. Zula, who WAS CRIMINALLY PROSECUTED AND SENT TO PRISON FOR SEX ABUSE! I shall quote relevant parts of the Report: When Zula was released in July, 1992, he received a check in the amount of $11,542.68 from the How was this Zula still a priest after being jailed?! It is quite clear that Cdl. Wuerl has completely detached himself from reality, and has spun so many lies I think he is beginning to believe them himself! Other responses from other bishops have been just as bad. And we must here note: THERE HAS BEEN NO RESPONSE FROM ROME, EITHER FROM THE POPE OR FROM SOME OTHER OFFICIAL. That silence has to speak for itself. To end this update, I want to mention some, hopefully, good news. The Attorney General of New York is proffering plans to start a Grand Jury to investigate sex abuse in New York. If this takes off, we could see other States do likewise. After that, or even during it, we may see other countries demand similar civil action. It is clear that the Hierarchy cannot police themselves, and thus it is left to the civil authorities to do such policing. In between these updates, I am updating the list of links below. Please check regularly! 20/08/18: Things have heated up in the last few days since my last update. The main news is that the Pope has finally responded to the abuse, by setting up an investigation. He is sending Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta to investigate, the same Archbishop the Pope sent to Chile to investigate the abuse there, which resulted in every one of the thirty-four Chilean bishops tendering their resignation. Will the Archbishop's investigation in the US result in the same for the American bishops? We'll have to wait and see. What we do know, is that over a thousand Catholics are petitioning the bishops to resign. The Holy Father has also issued a Letter regarding this abuse. Sadly, he still thinks this is abuse of minors, when in fact the majority of abuse is of teenage males and young adults. He also, sadly, makes no mention of this being a homosexual problem. The first article I link to above explains how fear has gripped the Vatican, as there are rumours that the US Justice Department may be thinking of looking into possible RICO violations. Church Militant explains: If a sufficient number of states begin convening grand juries, it is nearly a guarantee that the U.S. Justice Department would also begin looking at its own grand jury to examine the question of RICO violations. Whilst I am content that the Pope has responded by setting up an investigation (though I am not holding my hopes up about the results it will merit), it seems to me that the Pope is only acting now due to the Church in the US being threatened with being treated as an organised crime syndicate and then being busted up. That would stop, cough cough, tax dollars flowing down the Tiber, if you know what I mean! By the way, if it is any consolation to anyone, Cardinal Donald Wuerl has pulled out of the (pro-gay) World Meeting of Families taking place 21st-26th August in Dublin, Ireland. Pope Francis is attending the Festival of Families on Saturday 25th, and will also celebrate Mass on Sunday 26th. Remember, this is going to be a pro-gay event this year, after it was hijacked by the LGBT cadre in the Church, and the Vicar of Christ is legitimising it with his attendance. On the other hand, it may not be such a consolation considering that it is going to be pro-gay. Fortunately, orthodox Catholics are hosting their own Family conference just round the corner, with such distinguished persons as Cdl. Raymond Burke and Archbishop Athanasius Schneider, amongst others, either attending or video linking to the conference. I pray that Almighty God show His favour to this conference, and remove His sight from the Meeting of Families that has fallen from His Law. And I also pray that Our Lady, the Queen of Families, visit them with Her favour also. An excellent article over at Church Militant (sorry for linking to them so much, but they are covering this with a dedicated eye) regarding "gay" priests. It details how homosexuality, intrinsically, destroys a man's potential of not only being a true man, but also a father. It also states the following: I cannot adequately express the volume of pushback I'm seeing in social media from Catholics who utterly refuse to take seriously the fact that homosexuality — in itself — is a major contributing element to what we have been forced to face in recent decades. Largely, this is because they have fallen prey to culture's insistence that saying anything negative about the "LGBTQIA community" is inherently bigoted. And many Catholics would rather stick their head in the sand as long as they can remain in the fictional wonderland that lets them think that their "gay" friend, brother, sister, cousin, etc., is just fine and normal — gay is okay. I'm going to be very frank here: any Catholic who will not objectively look at what is going on here, and who refuses to detach himself from his feelings, and who wants to "remain in [a] fictional wonderland", is contributing and enabling this abuse to continue, and will - I have no doubt - receive a very severe judgment from the Just Judge on the day of his death. Such people are, in effect, CINO's: Catholics In Name Only; the Magisterium forbids a Catholic from supporting the homosexual lifestyle, in all its aspects. The Catechism teaches us in sections 2357-2359: Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved. [Emphasis mine]
22/08/2018: I want to let you know that I have uploaded a Commentary Episode on this sex abuse. Yesterday, Church Militant had another live report, in which they: [L]earned that a clandestine pipeline for homosexual seminarians was established in the 1990s and into the early 2000s where active gay men from Colombia, South America were being secretly funneled to U.S. seminaries. My first reaction to watching this this morning was: Now we know why the US bishops love mass immigration and why they are so opposed to Trump's immigration policy. It's because they have been using the lax immigration rules to funnel homosexual seminarians from South America into seminaries within the United States. Does this now prove to those people [you know who you are] that this whole sodomitical network is nothing to do with celibacy, but with homosexuals being entered into the Priesthood by sodomite bishops? These homosexuals were homosexual BEFORE they entered the Priesthood. If you people still insist this is due to celibacy, in any way, then it just proves to me that either you have your heads buried in the sand, most likely because you either can't handle the truth, or because you cannot understand how a man can be perfectly sexually continent, chaste, and celibate. Incidentally, these same seminarians recruited by the US bishops were, Seminarians who had actually been expelled from various Colombian seminaries for homosexual activity [and] were quietly told that they should find their way to the American "discernment" house if they wanted a ticket to gay-friendly seminaries in the United State.[sic] The report also details other things in connection to this sodomitical pipeline. Once again, things are heating up, as Our Lord is stoking the fires of truth to boil these evil men out of the Church. Then we also have a Mexican Cardinal, made such this past June by Pope Francis, basically accusing victims of clerical sex abuse of being hypocrites. When Our Lord said be gentle as doves, I think He forgot to mention that some of these "doves" have claws! Why the defensive attitude, Your Eminence? Are you getting hot and bothered under that collar? Is that red making you bothersome? Here, let us remove all that from you......oh, dear, you're no longer a Cardinal now. What a shame! 26/08/2018: BREAKING NEWS: Pope Francis covered up McCarrick abuse, former US nuncio testifies (OFFICIAL TEXT). A former Papal Nuncio to the US (basically, a Papal Ambassador), Archbishop Carlo Vigano, has written a testimony in which he says that he personally told Francis about McCarrick, and that the sanctions placed upon McCarrick by Pope Benedict XVI were lifted by Francis, who then made McCarrick a close counsellor, and even created Cardinals at McCarrick's request, like Blase Cupich of Chicago and Joseph Tobin of Newark. I thought the other day what would happen if the Pope was implicated in sex abuse cover-up. Well, now I know! Archbishop Vigano ended his testimony by calling on the Pope to resign. This Apocalypse is really blowing up now! Hold on to your hats, chaps. The boat is going to be rocked an awful lot! I have also updated the links below from FRANCIS KNEW ABOUT MCCARRICK, to CHURCH MILITANT INTERVIEWS GEORGE NEUMAYR. ----------------------------------------- After reading the comments of OnePeterFive's article covering this explosive news, I suddenly became aware of what a great victory this is for Our Lord and for the Church. I have since become filled with unspeakable joy that the Lord of Light is lighting up the shadows, causing the Devil to have no where to run. Whilst it is sad that this whole scandal has now claimed the Pope, yet I cannot but rejoice that the Adorable Will of God is now being executed on these evil men. Whether by inspiration of my Guardian Angel, or from my own sentiments, I wish to share this prayer that I felt I had to write down: O Lord Jesus Christ, Who in our day hast wrought the judgment of Thine enemies who have sought to render Thy seamless Tunic, and hast shown the might of Thine arm; hear the prayers of Thy faithful who raise their hearts and voices unto Thee and who beseech Thee to purge from Thy Church the smoke of Satan. From the creation of the world, Thou hast never failed to reveal to the sons of Adam the greatness of Thy Divine Power, nor the ineffability of Thy Justice; yea, from the days of our holy father Abraham even unto our own day, Thou hast always shown Thy Adorable Will. Since Thou hast Willed that this purge take place within our own time, make provision, I beseech Thee, for Thy children who hope in Thee and who turn to Thee in their time of distress. Strengthen Thy faithful clerics of all ranks who have prayed to Thee for the end of this demonic activity, and give unto them the boldness of the Martyrs of old, who did not shrink from the pain of torture either for the glorification of Thy Most Holy Name nor for the liberation and exultation of our Holy Mother the Church. And, Lord Jesus Christ, how could I not make mention of that singular Pillar of Purity, the Immaculate Virgin Mary?! She, who in the first instant of Her Immaculate Conception didst crush the most proud head of Lucifer, hast become for us once more the Queen of Victories and the Mother of Mercy! May She, who Thou wast pleased to assume body and soul to the Beatific Vision and to adorn as Queen of Heaven, ever be our Advocate before Thee, and in our weakness may She take up our petitions to Thee, for Thou hast promised to never refuse the prayers of Thy Holy Mother. May She, the Star of the Sea, guide the Barque of Peter over the tempest which the Devil has raged against this Holy Church. Also, dearest Jesus, may Her prayers be joined by those of St. Peter, the glorious and thrice-blessed Prince of the Apostles, and of St. Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles! For they, ever at the service of the Cross, didst not forego the Crown of Martyrdom, but when it was appointed to them, they boldly gave up their lives, and shed their pure blood for the sanctification of the Roman Church, the Mother and Mistress of all Christians, and for the Eternal City of Rome, the Capital of the whole world. And most holy Peter, though of humble birth, wast raised by Thee to the Supreme Governance of the Church and it was given him the privilege of dying like Thee, upon a cross. Now, they - ever blessed by the Church - lift up their voices unto Thee, interceding for the people who Thou hast redeemed at so great a Price! May their prayers be efficacious for us, and may the holy Throne of Peter, the Beacon of Truth, be washed clean and be adorned by a Pontiff of holy and pious a character, so that the holy name of Catholic may once again be loved and cherished, revered and praised. O Merciful Saviour, there are so many things about which I wish to praise Thee, but I pray that Thou forgivest the weakness of Thy servant! I do not even know if Thou wilt hear my prayer, on account of the sinfulness of this poor sinner, but I beseech all the Saints and Angels, my holy brethren, to raise their voices unto Thee for the sake of all the faithful. I pray especially that Thou wouldst strip me, the poorest of all sinners, of all my sins, vices, defects and all things within me that is contrary to Thy Adorable Will. Though this may be painful for me, I pray that I may become a fit instrument of Thy Will for the salvation of the Church and of the world. My Lord Jesus, I know that even the smallest of my sins deserve the greatest punishment, and that being Hell; but I knoweth also that Thou hast promised mercy to them who do penance for their sins. Therefore, I wish to make an act of contrition, and to beg Thee to spare me the just judgment that I know I deserve for my sins: O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell, because they have crucified my loving Saviour, Jesus Christ, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all Good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to confess my sins, to do penance, to amend my life and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen 30/08/2018: In the wake of the bomb set off by Archbishop Carlo Vigano (see commentary 26/08/2018 above), the news has become as voluminous as a library. It has become nigh impossible to keep up-to-date with it. Without getting to entrenched in the news, I am following several sites, including Church Militant, LifeSiteNews, Canon212, Rorate Caeli, OnePeterFive, the National Catholic Register and the Remnant Newspaper. However, I may include some other websites of interest. But, before I get into that, I want to make mention of the fact that the Mass readings of the Novus Ordo of late have been rather Providential. Last Wednesday (22nd August: feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary) was the second day of the pro-gay World Meeting of Families (attended by the Pope himself). The first Reading from the weekday Readings for Mass that day was from Ezechiel 34:1-11, wherein God condemns the shepherds of Israel. After reading the text, tell me that isn't the Vox Dei (Voice of God)! Then on Saturday (25th August), the Gospel Reading was Matthew 23:1-12, wherein Our Lord reminds His disciples of the importance of religious authority, even if it's badly executed by sinful ministers. Note, Our Lord mentions the Chair of Moses, which the Jewish ministers sat upon; He dissolved this and replaced it with the Chair of Peter, which the Pope sits upon. Then, on Sunday (26th August: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B), the Gospel reading was from John 6:60-69, wherein several of Christ's followers leave Him due to His commanding them to eat His Flesh and drink His Blood (which we do at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass), but Peter and the Apostles refuse to leave Him, professing only He has the words of eternal life. And then, this week, some of the weekday readings follow a rather telling pattern: 2 Thess 1:1-12; Matthew 23:13-22; Matthew 23:27-32; 2 Thess 3:6-18 & Matthew 24:42-51. If this isn't the Holy Trinity letting us know that They are not amused, then I'm the Antichrist! From what I understand, some of the Mass readings from the Traditional Latin Mass also have had similar tones of Divine Condemnation that rather fit the current in the Church right now. After reading a rather interesting article about this whole sordid affair, it caused me to meditate on the situation at hand. The question arises: What does this abuse reveal about the Catholic Church? Of course, for anti-Catholic Evangelicals and others, it reveals what they have been claiming for 500 years: that the Catholic Church truly is the Whore of Babylon, teaching men to worship dead Saints, acclaiming Mary as a goddess equal to Jesus, teaching men to worship the Pope, re-crucifying Jesus over and over again in the Mass amongst other accusations. Naturally, such accusations are grossly false. But what does it reveal to a Catholic? Well, I cannot answer for all Catholics, but I can answer for myself. It reveals to me that the Catholic Church is the one true Church of Jesus Christ, outside which no man can be saved. It has made me even more resolute in my faith, because it reveals to me a rather open secret: the Church is being massively persecuted by the Devil. But why? Why would he go to such lengths to try and destroy the Catholic Church? Why doesn't he go after the Protestants, or the Orthodox in so violent a manner? Because, his attacks prove the veracity of the Catholic Faith - that it is the one true Religion founded by Jesus Christ for the salvation of man. Now, that doesn't mean to say that the Devil doesn't attack Protestant and Orthodox people, because he does. However, he does so because he knows that they could - by God's grace - convert to the Catholic Faith, which is not what he wants. For him, any one who claims to believe in Christ must be persecuted. However, it is the Catholic Church to whom he devotes the majority of his attack. Satan, in the end, wants all men in Hell. In the early days, he used the Romans to physically kill Catholics by having them burned alive, beheaded, crucified, tortured, or rammed down the throats of hungry beasts. When the Romans converted - due to the prayers of the many Martyrs they killed - the Enemy was robbed of his army. So, he began a new persecution. If he couldn't kill men's bodies, he would kill their souls instead, and thus began the campaign of heresy that has never left the Church. Indeed, he has become very efficient in spreading heresies around, and has never failed to find willing accomplices to help him in this task. In connection to this, he has also created various civil problems, such as Freemasonry, the French Revolution, Communism, Nazism and the like, to come battering the Church. Thus far, She has survived them all, even when they have crumbled to dust. A testament to the Church's Divine Founding, and to the continuance of God's help over the long centuries, and the fulfillment of the words of Our Lord: the Gates of Hell shall never prevail over the Church, fastened to the Rock of Peter. Yet, as the ages have rolled by, our ancient Enemy has become bolder and more insolent in his attack. It was one thing to attack the Church from the outside, but what if he could get in the Church? That was his goal. Indeed, he revealed as much directly to Our Lord. In 1884, Pope Leo XIII, after celebrating his daily private Mass, fell into a trance, and afterwards spoke of a vision he had. In this vision, he heard Our Lord and Satan speaking to each other. The version was this: Satan boasted that within 75-100 years, and with greater power over those who would devote themselves to his service, he could destroy the Catholic Church. Our Lord agreed to give him the time and the power. Since then, we have witnessed the most extraordinary attacks on the Church. Thirty-three years later (the age Our Lord was when He died), we had the outbreak of Communism, which was forewarned by Our Lady in Fatima, Portugal, hence why She asked for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. Despite what many believe, this Consecration of Russia has never been fulfilled according the specific requirements of Jesus and Mary. Thus, Communism spread around the world, and its doctrine still spread, namely, divorce, abortion, contraception, atheism, evolutionism, Cultural Marxism, etc. Not long after Communism's septic eruption, we had the advent of Nazism and World War II, also forewarned by Our Lady of Fatima, as a punishment for the sins of men. From 1962-1965 (78-81 years after the vision), we had the Second Vatican Council, arguably the most failed Ecumenical Council in the history of the Church, regardless of what you think of it. Even Pope Paul VI, who governed the Council from 1963 onward, had to publicly complain about the destructive changes that had taken place after the Council - all being done in the name of "the spirit of Vatican II", a phrase we hear all over the place, and which is used to justify the most radical and blasphemous activities. In the name of this noxious "spirit" - which was, no doubt, the Devil himself - everything was attacked by the "reformers" of Vatican II: the Liturgy, the Sacraments, Catechises, morals - everything. The Church became unrecognisable. In 1972, it was this same Paul VI who stated that "the smoke of Satan had entered the Church". It entered, most likely, when a secret Black Mass was celebrated in the Vatican, just a week after Paul VI's election. It was performed by Satanist Cardinals in the Pauline Chapel in the Apostolic Palace, the Pope's official residence in the Vatican. It involved the raping of a young girl. Its goal was the enthronement of Satan in the Vatican. Since then, we have seen the almost total collapse of the Church, from falling vocations to the Priesthood and the Religious Life, to the desecration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to the abandonment of the Sacrament of Penance, indifference in the laity, the dumbing down of Religious Education, the immorality of both cleric and laic, the use of contraception and abortion, the acceptance of depravity, - you get the idea! If I ever got elected as Pope, I would not move into the Apostolic Palace until a thorough exorcism was performed. I am not sharing rooms with the Apostate! He can go to Hell - literally. So, Satan got what he wanted. He wormed his way into the Church, and now is detonating his bomb all over the place. Five hundred years ago, Our Lady spoke of all this to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, when She said: The Devil will work to persecute the Ministers of the Lord in every way, working with baneful cunning to destroy the spirit of their vocation and corrupting many. Those who will thus scandalize the Christian flock will bring upon all priests the hatred of bad Christians and the enemies of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church. This apparent triumph of Satan will cause enormous suffering to the good pastors of the Church... All of this filth is the Devil's plan to destroy the Church. Unfortunately for him, Our Lord already stated c. 2,000 years ago that the Gates of Hell would not prevail. However, that doesn't mean that Satan can't get real close, and it also doesn't mean that he cannot oppress the Church - just look at Russia, China etc., where the Church was almost wiped out. However, I have digressed into another topic, which really needs a page of its own. But, that's my comment on it. All this proves the veracity of the Catholic Religion as the true Religion, since it is the most attacked and persecuted. People who claim this proves the falsity of the Catholic Faith seem to think the Devil leaves those who are closest to God. WRONG! He attacks those closest to God. As a convert to Catholicism from Anglicanism, I cannot be more vindicated in my conversion, and I can say with certainty and without any hesitation whatsoever: CATHOLICISM IS THE ONE TRUE RELIGION OF JESUS CHRIST OUTSIDE WHICH NO MAN CAN BE SAVED. With that out of the way, let us proceed to the news at hand. Several prelates have come out in support of Archbishop Vigano's letter. They accept the truth of the Archbishop. Archbishop Schneider also gave his reply, detailing eight conclusions. However, the sycophantic followers of Francis have come out to attack Vigano, calling the Archbishop a "terrorist", and those who support him (like me) as "uneducated" and "drunken yahoos". The Catholic Left are just like the secular Left: unable to have intelligent conversation, and ever ready to use catchy words they launch at people. Fortunately, they have no affect on me, stick and stones and all that. The Archbishop has also come out to defend himself against accusations. With that, the Pope himself was asked to respond to the Testimony - he refused to comment. Interestingly, he stated that the Testimony speaks for itself. Well, if it speaks for itself, Holy Father, you're in BIG trouble, not only with the Church but with God! And the fact that the Vatican Spin-Machine - sorry, the Vatican Press Office - hasn't come out to even try to deny these accusations against the Pontiff really, erm, speaks for itself. But what is even more explosive, is that the Pontiff - back when he was Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires - covered up for a homosexual paedophile, and for a homosexual bishop. I have to say, that the news is coming in thick and fast, and it is becoming overwhelming. Church Militant and LifeSite are the two best sites to go to right now. After reading a bishop's statement of how he is going to do a whole day of public penance in front of the Blessed Sacrament, I am thinking of doing something similar myself, if I can. I am currently trying to design a page with some prayers and devotions one can employ in reply to this Apocalypse. I hope to have it ready soon. It is becoming evident desperate times call for desperate measures. Perhaps if more Catholics followed the bishop's example. I know I should. Alas, I have many articles to link to, but I do not want to make this update too tedious. Therefore, the rest of the links shall be below, as usual. I have taken the prayer I composed above and copied it onto a page. You can now share that prayer, if you so wish. I leave this well known piece by Handel, which I have been listening to recently, reminding myself that no matter what happens, Our Lord is in complete control of everything. 05/10/2018: Here we are: Chapter VIII of the Sex Abuse Apocalypse. Man, I feel like I'm writing some sort of a book. Actually, I think one could write a book about all this, and call it The Sex Abuse Apocalypse. It would most likely need various volumes. Well, in the last few days since my previous update, as usual, many stories have come out. Firstly, we have Fr. Edwin Palka writing a post on his parish's website detailing how this sexual abuse is purely demonic in nature. Even I have pointed that out in my updates here. He lays it out how Catholics should cease their moaning, and just act. Move parish; homeschool - do something to protect yourselves and your children (especially if they are boys of teen age). Talking of demonic activity, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND Ann Barnhardt's 3 hour presentation on Diabolic Narcissism, in which she explains about Diabolical Narcissists. After watching that presentation, you'll understand who these people are and more precisely, what they are, and you'll understand why these clerical abusers never have any true contrition for what they've done. Ann has time-stamped the video in the description box underneath the video, so you can choose what you want to watch, although I naturally recommend you watch it from start to finish, in one sitting if you have the free time. Over at EWTN, the World Over had an episode on the 30th August, in which the Papal Posse spoke about the Vigano Testimony. Needless to say, not one of the three men support Francis in any of this. I found it rather an interesting watch, as I always do when the Papal Posse get together. I am not, at present, a big watcher of EWTN, even though I have downloaded their app on my tablet so I can watch them a bit more. Next, we have a new website published by LifeSite called Faithful Shepherds, which details every US bishop and where they stand on various issues. I hope they expand that website to include bishops from other countries. We need some sort of central forum for knowing what our bishops actually are like, and whether we can trust them. If you are American, please use the site to get to know your bishop, and please provide any information you have if the details are lacking. On the feast of St. Augustine, the Archbishop of Oklahoma City, Paul Coakley, came out in support of Abp. Vigano, stating that he has "the deepest respect for Archbishop Viganó and his personal integrity". He also states that, "[t]his document merits, indeed it demands deeper examination and verification of each of its claims". That's another prelate who supports Abp. Vigano. Then, we have Cdl. Blase Cupich of Chicago, who is, forgive my hardened expression here, - a sick, twisted evil devil. This man had the temerity to get on camera and claim that the Pope has more important things to concern him, like the environment and the rights of migrants - than a Satanic attack on the Church! And then proceeded to say: We're not going down a rabbit hole on this! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS! YOU THINK, YOUR "EMINENCE", THAT PLASTIC AND MIGRANTS HAVE A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN SEX ABUSE? You should be excommunicated just for saying that! Cdl. Cupich is a traitor to Jesus Christ and the Church. He is an agent of Satan, and needs to be run out of the Church. Cupich is an apostate. Good Catholics should be praying for his removal from every honour in the Church. He should be publicly flogged for saying something so sick and twisted. And, not to make it even more twisted, the Pope himself claimed that the littering of the oceans is an "emergency". In his letter for the Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Francis said: We cannot allow our seas and oceans to be littered by endless fields of floating plastic. Here too, our active commitment is needed to confront this emergency. We need to pray as if everything depended on God’s providence, and work as if everything depended on us. So, plastic in the ocean is an emergency, but not sex abuse? Someone pinch me! I cannot believe I am reading this! Instead of a day of prayer for Creation, what about a day of prayer for sex abuse victims, or even an entire octave for them? And instead of earth-worship buffoonery, what about saying: We cannot allow our Church to be littered by endless fields of sex abuse. Here too, our active commitment is needed to confront this emergency. We need to pray and fast as if everything depended on God's Providence, and work as if everything depended on us, and on the salvation of souls. It should as no surprise, since Francis himself covered up sex abuse, as Church Militant has reported, and even as LifeSite is now reporting. This presents an extremely grave scandal to the Church. Fortunately, the Church has endured scandalous Popes before, and She will endure this scandalous Pope. After that rant, may I provide some good news. LifeSite have an article documenting those bishops who have come out in support of Abp. Vigano's Testimony. Some of the names on that list are not what I'd expect on such a list, but praise be to God that they are on that list. Let us pray that more names are added to that list. I have so much news lined up, that I couldn't possibly get to it all in this update, so as usual, I shall leave links below. --------------------- I have started a page with some suggestions as to spiritual remedies to this Apocalypse. I shall be updating it as time goes by. I hope it provides some spiritual help. 13/09/2018: The wheels of the Divine Justice are grinding exceeding well in our midst, and the scales have been set to weigh the guilty - and they have been found wanting! Once again, I wish to present you with some of the voluminous news that has come flooding to me. Firstly - BREAKING NEWS: German Bishops Report Indicates Thousands of Cases of Clerical Abuse. A bishops report was leaked yesterday that revealed massive numbers of sex abuse within the Vaterland. So, the first European country has been exposed - Deo gratias - and the truth has been made free as a lion breaking forth from his cage. Look at the numbers: almost 4,000 cases of sex abuse and almost 2,000 abusers betwixt 1946 - 2014! Naturally, the majority of victims are male - nothing surprising there. We know, deep down, the real number is definitely higher, as the bishops are known for fiddling numbers. However, what is reported here is extortionate! What is most frightening is the bishops' response to this abuse - restrain yourself: Inexplicably, the German bishops’ report states that they believe that one problem leading to the abuse is “the fundamental refusal of the Catholic Church to consecrate homosexual men,” which, the report says, “is urgent to rethink.” The report also proposes a re-evaluation of priestly celibacy, which obligation they describe as a “potential risk factor.” Okay, some comment needs to be made here. 1. The report admits that the majority of the sex abuse is by homosexual priests. So, how is ordaining homosexuals going to help?.......................What?! 2. If homosexuals are sexually abusing males, then it proves that homosexuals are already being ordained - even openly - so whilst the Church refuses ordination to homosexuals, most bishops - like ze Germans - aren't obeying. So, that's a mute argument. Your disobedience to Holy Mother Church is facilitating the abuse, my dear Bishops of Germany! 3. This is just their way of trying to hide from the sad truth - that homosexuality is one of the main causes of the sex abuse, not ambiguous clericalism, legalism or any other sort of isms the bishops conjure up from their Magic Mitre. My comment to this article was: Yes, the cause is homosexuality, so the answer is more of homosexuality! Twisted logic, by twisted minds, from twisted Diabolical Narcissists. And of course, they argue for the Great Modernist Equation: normalisation of homosexuality + the dissolution of clerical celibacy = "married" homosexual priests = Church of England on a bigger scale = Anti-Church. Don't be fooled folks - everything promoted here by the German bishops is Satan's plan for the destruction of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic & Roman Church!!! These heretics don't promote married clergy to help the Church, but so they can destroy Her. They know most Catholics today don't obey the Church's moral teachings with regards to contraception etc., so they want to promote them in the Church to fulfill The Plan of their Diabolic Father. Next, the Vatican has announced that a meeting of heads of Episcopal Conferences with the Pope will convene in February 2019 to address the sex abuse. However, as Church Militant are reporting, not everyone is on board with this initiative, as Phil Lawler tweeted, "The Pope is inviting the world's bishops to discuss the problem, ignoring the fact that the world's bishops ARE the problem. And one more meeting to talk about abuse? Please, not more talk. Action!" Yes, the Pope (who covered up sex abuse) and the bishops (who covered up sex abuse) are going to be discussing the sex abuse scandal and the covering up of it. Next, we have an excerpt from Henry Sire's The Dictator Pope, in which he documents Francis's handling of sex abuse cases. Needless to say, it doesn't paint a very good image of the "zero-tolerance" Pope. Then we have the State of New Jersey stating they will be setting up an investigation into sex abuse. Joining them we have Vermont, with Kentucky wanting to launch its own investigation, too. 14/09/2018: HAPPY HOLY CROSS DAY! Just a few things I want to say here. First, with regards to my Commentary Series, I am now starting live shows. The first I did was back on Wednesday. I am planning on doing a show again today. I have been pondering on set times for the shows, which at this present time seem to be fixed in my head at Tuesdays and Thursdays, with Saturdays also being a possible day. The times will be 8pm-10pm UK time (3pm-5pm Eastern Time US). I will most likely start other shows (like a Catechism show), but they will be much later on. I am trying to schedule the Commentary Series for now. I will endeavour to set reminders on the YouTube Channel for each episode, so you can be reminded of each episode. Secondly, because of the barrage of news I've had to slog through (because I fell behind over the weekend due to my having to travel), I have shared most of the news on the Facebook page. This news I will comment on in the Commentary show. I will endeavour to try and link to the news in my written commentary, but if I am not able to, at least I've already commented in the show. With that, I may start another commentary post, as this one is getting rather lengthy. I don't want to tire readers out! For the foreseeable future, the sex abuse scandal will most likely be the main (or only) topic in the Commentary Series. However, I will endeavour to add other news where possible. 21/09/18: Because of my live Commentary Series on YouTube, I shall not be updating this post any more. Instead, in each Episode of the Commentary Series I shall be commenting on the news, and then shall be linking to the commented news under each video in the posts I create which you can find under the Commentary category here on the Blog. This makes it easier to comment and then share the articles, as I usually have a long list of them. Linking to all of them in one go takes up too much time. But, breaking them down for each episode makes it easier! 🔴HIGH-RANKING US CARDINAL ACCUSED OF SEX ABUSE
🔴FORMER PRIEST BART ASLIN SPEAKS OUT ABOUT MCCARRICK, OTHERS 🔴Church: Cardinal McCarrick Is A Molester 🔴Cardinal McCarrick: Everybody Knew 🔴How Uncle Ted’s Tribe Thrives 🔴Cardinal McCarrick & His Protectors 🔴Letters From A Parish Priest 🔴Cardinal McCarrick’s Network 🔴What Did The Cardinals Know? 🔴PA Catholic Nuclear Bomb 🔴Pascal’s Fire & 8 Minutes Till Darkness 🔴Opening The Closets Of The Privileged 🔴CDL. MCCARRICK RESIGNS FROM COLLEGE OF CARDINALS 🔴Pope orders Cardinal McCarrick confined to undisclosed location, accepts resignation 🔴Pope Accepts Resignation of Cardinal McCarrick from College of Cardinals 🔴MICHAEL VORIS TACKLES PREDATOR PRELATES ON CONSERVATIVE RADIO 🔴The Moment Before the Storm 🔴A Second Lincoln Seminarian Comes Forward to Detail Abuse 🔴#SackTheSynod 🔴Wave of sexual abuse accusations hits Lincoln diocese 🔴Chaste same-sex-attracted Catholics on McCarrick scandal: Priests and prelates can do better 🔴Report: Cardinal close to Pope is protecting cadre of gay seminarians in Honduras 🔴MISSOURI BISHOP: HOMOSEXUALITY AT ROOT OF ABUSE CRISIS 🔴CDL. O’MALLEY LAUNCHES INQUIRY INTO GAY MISCONDUCT AT SEMINARY 🔴SAN DIEGO’S BP. ROBERT MCELROY KNEW ABOUT MCCARRICK 🔴MISSOURI BISHOP DEMANDS END TO CLERICAL SILENCE ON SEX ABUSE 🔴Cardinal Farrell claims ‘shock’ at Cardinal McCarrick abuse. Really? 🔴Catholics rebuke bishop’s defense of fellow prelates amid McCarrick abuse scandal 🔴What did cardinal close to Pope Francis know and when in Honduran bishop scandal? ▶️FLEECING THE FAITHFUL ▶️COMPLICIT CARDINALS ▶️WAR ON THE PRIESTHOOD ▶️CARDINALS DOUBLE DOWN ▶️COMPLICIT MEDIA ▶️HOMOSEXUALITY IS THE PROBLEM ▶️WUERL-WIND ▶️DOWNPLAYING THE CRISIS ▶️DEMAND REFORM 🔴Hundreds of Priests Accused in Pennsylvania, Church of Accompaniment in Crisis 🔴PA GRAND JURY REPORT: CDL. WUERL PROTECTED PREDATOR PRIESTS 🔴Pennsylvania grand jury report exposes decades of clerical sex abuse and Church cover-up ▶️SPECIAL REPORT—EPISCOPAL SODOMY: DONALD WUERL MUST GO! 🔴PITTSBURGH’S BISHOP ZUBIK: ‘THERE WAS NO COVER-UP’ ▶️Episcopal Sodomy: Wuerl Defiant 🔴DETROIT ARCHBISHOP DODGES GAY QUESTION IN MCCARRICK STATEMENT 🔴ONE PRIEST’S MESSAGE TO SEMINARIANS ON NATIONAL ABUSE SCANDAL 🔴GEORGIA ARCHBISHOP SLAMMED FOR HYPOCRISY ▶️OUR LADY’S HEEL 🔴On clerical continence 🔴Priestly celibacy in Patristics and in the History of the Church ▶️RAID ALL THE CHANCERIES ▶️EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: DR. PAUL MCHUGH 🔴Priestly Celibacy - Taking a look at Catholic Teaching on Celibacy 🔴SACRA VIRGINITAS - ENCYCLICAL OF POPE PIUS XII ON CONSECRATED VIRGINITY 🔴SACERDOTALIS CAELIBATUS - ENCYCLICAL OF POPE PAUL VI ON PRIESTLY CELIBACY 🔴POPE FRANCIS KNEW ABOUT MCCARRICK, COVERED FOR HIS SEXUAL CRIMES ▶️World Over - 2018-08-23 – Bishop Robert Morlino's Letter on the Abuse Crisis with Raymond Arroyo 🔴NEW YORK MIGHT BE NEXT 🔴DETROIT ARCHDIOCESE DENIES HOMOSEXUALITY KEY TO CLERICAL ABUSE 🔴MISSOURI BISHOP ORDERS INQUIRY INTO CLERICAL SEX ABUSE 🔴SCRANTON DIOCESE CANCELS FUNDRAISER AFTER PA GRAND JURY REPORT ▶️EXPOSING CLERICAL ROT ▶️EPISCOPAL SODOMY: EXPOSING CDL. EDWIN O’BRIEN 🔴A RESPONSE TO GEORGE WEIGEL 🔴EPIC FAIL: FR. JAMES MARTIN AT THE WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES 🔴THE GRAND JURY DAM STARTS BREAKING 🔴ILLINOIS LAUNCHES INVESTIGATION INTO CHICAGO ARCHDIOCESE 🔴ANGER LEADS TO MULTIPLE PETITIONS DEMANDING CDL. WUERL’S RESIGNATION 🔴CHURCH MILITANT INTERVIEWS GEORGE NEUMAYR 🔴Barnhardt Podcast #060: The Vigorous Vigano Veritas 🔴Texas Bishop: "I find the Viganò allegations to be credible." 🔴Former Papal Nuncio: Pope Francis Knew about McCarrick, Covered for Him “to the Bitter End” 🔴Texas bishop urges ‘thorough investigation’ of allegations against Pope Francis 🔴Cardinal Burke responds to former US nuncio’s explosive letter about Pope Francis ▶️EPISCOPAL SODOMY: POPE FRANCIS MUST RESIGN ▶️VIDEO: Pope tells media he’s ‘not going to say a word’ about McCarrick cover-up 🔴Cardinal Wuerl shifts away from denial strategy, hunkers down in dead silence ▶️Church Militant Statement on the Pope ▶️Sermon on the Scandals: the Archbishop Viganò Report 🔴If Pope Francis covered up McCarrick abuse, then he’s neither ‘holy’ nor a ‘father’ 🔴US bishops’ head promises urgent examination amid Vigano letter 🔴Abp. Vigano’s testimony may have just foiled Pope Francis’ plan to bury US abuse crisis 🔴 A RORATE Editorial: Francis Must Go 🔴BP. ROBERT MCELROY, ALLIES PERSECUTE FAITHFUL SAN DIEGO CATHOLICS 🔴VATICAN AMBASSADOR: ‘VIGANÒ SAID THE TRUTH’ 🔴WATCH: POPE FRANCIS MUST RESIGN: ‘A CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE’ 🔴NEBRASKA AG INTERVIEWS SEX ABUSE VICTIMS 🔴Cdls Danneels & Ex-Cdl McCarrick campaigned for Bergoglio to be Pope [TWITTER] 🔴Bp. Garcida's Open Letter to the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church on the invalidity of Francis' election 🔴‘Bring the truth to the surface’: The amazing story of how Viganò released his testimony ▶️Pope Francis Must Resign: Zero Tolerance ▶️Pope Francis Must Resign: Digging In 🔴ARCHBISHOP MCCARRICK’S HOUSE LOCATED 🔴PETITION TO POPE CALLS FOR INVESTIGATION INTO VIGANÒ‘S CLAIMS 🔴CDL. BURKE: LICIT TO CALL FOR POPE’S RESIGNATION 🔴ILLINOIS BISHOP CALLS FOR INQUIRY INTO ALLEGATIONS AGAINST POPE 🔴CUPICH ROUNDLY MOCKED 🔴DOJ SERIOUSLY CONSIDERS RICO PROSECUTION OF CATHOLIC CHURCH 🔴Seminarians Served as McCarrick Aides During Abuse Investigation 🔴Addressing the ‘Proofs’ against Viganò: Noise without Substance 🔴Interview: The Vatican Number Two Speaks on the Viganò Memo: "Great pain, the Pope is serene" ▶️BREAKING NEWS EXCLUSIVE: WUERL BOMBSHELL 🔴CARDINAL BERGOGLIO STONEWALLED SEX ABUSE VICTIM IN ARGENTINA 🔴‘VICE POPE’ CLAIMS ‘SIN AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT’ TO ASK POPE TO RESIGN 🔴Prominent Swiss newspaper on Viganò report: ‘The silence of the two popes seems strange’ 🔴US archbishop calls on Pope Francis to cancel Youth Synod in light of abuse crisis 🔴EXCLUSIVE: Viganó doubles down: McCarrick was restricted under Benedict, but ‘he didn’t obey’ 🔴Thousands of Catholic women ask Pope: Did you cover-up for McCarrick, as Viganò claims? 🔴Where’s Wuerldo? 🔴Archbishop Viganò Speaks, the Neo-Catholics Panic 🔴EXCLUSIVE: Viganò reveals what really happened when Pope Francis met privately with Kim Davis 🔴Former presidential candidate on Viganò testimony: ‘This is a homosexual scandal’ 🔴US bishop tells parishes to recite St Michael prayer after every Mass in response to abuse crisis 🔴Ben Shapiro destroys liberal media for protecting Pope Francis rather than exposing sex abuse 🔴Kansas bishop praises Vatican whistleblower: Viganó is someone ‘Church could be proud of’ 🔴‘I’m just trying to do my job’: Edward Pentin defends on EWTN covering Viganó‘s testimony 🔴Vigano: Attacking the whistleblower: the abuse-enabling culture is alive and well in the Vatican ▶️Viganò: Instrument of Divine Intervention 🔴Let’s Say Pope Francis Resigns. What Next? 🔴ABP. ROBERT CARLSON ACCUSED OF PROTECTING PREDATOR PRIEST 🔴VICTIM OF NEWARK, NJ PRIEST SPEAKS OUT 🔴CATHOLIC TRUMP SUPPORTERS WANT FED ACTION 🔴SCRANTON BISHOP FORBIDS PREDECESSOR FROM ‘REPRESENTING’ DIOCESE 🔴VIGANÒ‘S EFFORTS UNDERMINED BY POPE BENEDICT? 🔴THE VIPER IN THE VATICAN 🔴Further Questions Emerge About Benedict XVI’s Sanctions on McCarrick ▶️The Download—Collision Course ▶️Abuse Statistics in the Church & the Media ~ Fr Nolan 🔴Swiss bishop: Dismissing Church’s homosexual crisis is ‘an additional form of cover-up’ 🔴A “New Bomb”in the Vatican? Italian Daily Teases CDF Dossier on Cardinal Kevin Farrell ▶️The Download—Importing Gay Seminarians 🔴Interview 038 — Fr. Ripperger on the abuse crisis and the theology of the priesthood
April 2024