Infowars have received internal documents that are being sent to the States in which is shown that if one person has ANY symptom the Medical Elite claim is COVID, then that person is marked down as being COVID-positive (even if they haven't actually had a test) and 15 people around them will also be automatically marked down as COVID-positive as well.
Folks, they are cooking the numbers and have been since day one. This whole thing is a giant fraud. If you can't see the play button on the video below, right click on the image below and press play. If that doesn't work, you can see the video HERE.
Today, 29th June, is the Solemnity of SS. Peter and Paul. We celebrate not only their feast, but also the birthday of the Holy Roman Church, which together they founded by their word, the works, and by their blood.
St. Peter, who is also known as Simon, was the son of John of Bethsaida. Together with his brother, St. Andrew the Apostle, St. Peter was a fisherman (probably illiterate) who spent his days in his boat with his father and brother on the Sea of Galilee. When Our Lord called him and his brother, they left their nets and boats, and were joined to the Apostolic College. At Caesarea Philippi, Our Lord promised to build the Church on St. Peter and to give him supreme authority over the whole Church. During his life, St. Peter was often rash and quick to act and speak, which often led him to trouble. At the Passion of Our Lord, as Christ had prophesied, the Apostle thrice denied the Saviour, for which he bitterly repented and wept over. According to tradition, his cheeks forever bore the signs of his prolonged weeping. Later on, after His Resurrection, Christ conferred His Authority upon St. Peter, and made him His Vicar on earth and the Prince of the Apostles. St. Peter first fixed his See at Antioch, before transferring it and fixing it at Rome, becoming her first Bishop. He spent 25 years in Rome, founding the Roman Church and preaching the Gospel. Two of his Epistles were joined to the Canon of Scripture. He was sentenced to death by crucifixion by the Emperor Nero. He was led to the Circus Nero, located outside the ancient city walls on Vatican Hill, and at his request he was crucified upside down, since he felt unworthy to die in the same manner as his Master. His blood consecrated the City of Rome to the Lord, and made her the spiritual capital of the world. His body was later buried on Vatican Hill, over which, in the 4th Century, Constantine the Great would later build a great Basilica in Peter's honour. This ancient structure stood until the 16th Century when, due to its great age, it was pulled down and replaced by the current St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. St. Peter's relics rest under the Basilica, so that the words of Our Lord would be literally fulfilled, namely, that upon Peter the Church would be built. His physical appearance is described as having: a strong, roundish head, prominent jaw-bones, a receding forehead, thick, curly hair and beard. St. Paul began life as Saul of Tarsus, a city in Asia Minor (Turkey). He was schooled in the Pharasaical tradition, and became somewhat a fanatic. This led him to heavily, and violently, persecuted the Early Church. He was present at the stoning of the Church's first martyr, St. Stephen. He made a name for himself hunting Christians. Whilst travelling on the road to Damascus, again to persecute Christians, the Lord appeared to him to end Saul's persecution. This encounter with Christ led Saul to convert to the Catholic Faith. He fled into the Arabian desert for many years, after which he returned to Jerusalem to see St. Peter. He recounted his story to Peter, who no doubt baptised Saul, and then conferred priestly and episcopal authority on Saul, and grafted into the Apostolic College. Saul later changed his name to Paul, since his principal missions were to the Greek speaking Gentiles of the East. He established many Sees in the East, many of which still exist today. Fourteen of his Epistles were added to the Canon of Scripture by the Church. He was many times persecuted by both pagan and Jewish authorities. Although he was a prolific preacher of the Faith, he is believed to not have been a good public orator for whatever reason. he later removed himself to Rome, to join St. Peter in building up the Roman Church. Whilst there, Paul was imprisoned several times. Eventually, like St. Peter, Paul was condemned to death by Nero. Since he was a Roman citizen, he would be beheaded. According to tradition, Peter and Paul embraced each other and blessed one another when the day of their executions came round. Though they had often disagreed with one another, yet they embraced one another a most beloved brothers in Christ. Whilst Peter was sent off to Vatican Hill to be crucified, Paul to taken to another place and beheaded. His body was moved two miles from the execution site and buried. Later, Constantine the Great erected a Church over the site, and this was enlarged by Emperor Theodosius I. It stands today and is known as St. Paul Outside the Walls. St. Paul is described by the Catholic Encyclopaedia as: short of stature; the Pseudo-Chrysostom calls him "the man of three cubits" (anthropos tripechys) [or four foot six inches, a small man indeed!]; he was broad-shouldered, somewhat bald, with slightly aquiline nose, closely-knit eyebrows, thick, greyish beard, fair complexion, and a pleasing and affable manner. He was afflicted with a malady which is difficult to diagnose (cf. Menzies, "St. Paul's Infirmity" in the Expository Times", July and Sept., 1904), but despite this painful and humiliating infirmity (II Cor., xii, 7-9; Gal., iv, 13-14) and although his bearing was not impressive (II Cor., x, 10), Paul must undoubtedly have been possessed of great physical strength to have sustained so long such superhuman labours (II Cor., xi, 23-29). Pseudo-Chrysostom, "In princip. apostol. Petrum et Paulum" (in P. G., LIX, 494-95), considers that he died at the age of sixty-eight after having served the Lord for thirty-five years. May SS. Peter and Paul, glorious Princes of the Apostles, intercede for Holy Mother Church at this time when She is so assailed by the powers of Hell. May they secure for Her liberty and salvation, and may their voices once more ring out from Rome to enlighten the hearts and minds of ignorant men. Ss. Peter and Paul, pray for us! I've created an account on Parler, the free-speech alternative to Twitter. I've never used Twitter, and don't WANT to use it.
Please follow me here: Paul Joseph Watson over at Infowars is reporting that the white liberals of the Capitol Hill Organised Protest (CHOP; formerly known as CHAZ) zone, the hell-hole set up in the midst of Seattle, are enforcing a segregated park for black people only. One quote in the short article says: “Segregation is back in vogue. CHAZ/CHOP establishes “black only” spaces. It’s like Jim Crow all over again except it’s woke to be racist and corporations throw billions of dollars at you.” Yep. Segregation is back in vogue. It's woke to be racist. And we already have secession going on in Seattle like the good old days of the Confederacy (run by Democrats, incidentally)! This is the American Civil War, 2.0. But, it's always been vogue and woke to be racist for Democrats. Jim Crow Laws, anyone? Even Wikipedia, which has been scrubbing any truth from its pages, admits in the first two sentences in its article on Jim Crow Laws: Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. All were enacted in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by white Democratic-dominated state legislatures to disenfranchise and remove political and economic gains made by blacks during the Reconstruction period. It later goes on to blatantly state: In the 1870s, Democrats gradually regained power in the Southern legislatures, after having used insurgent paramilitary groups, such as the White League and the Red Shirts, to disrupt Republican organizing, run Republican officeholders out of town, and intimidate blacks to suppress their voting. Extensive voter fraud was also used. In one instance, an outright coup or insurrection in coastal North Carolina led to the violent removal of democratically elected non-Democratic party executive and representative officials, who were either hunted down or hounded out. Gubernatorial elections were close and had been disputed in Louisiana for years, with increasing violence against blacks during campaigns from 1868 onward. Sound familiar? Paramilitary groups, the colours white and red, intimidation, suppression of black people, voter fraud, insurrection, violent removals....That sounds an awful lot like Antifa/BLM, the white liberals who run them sporting red Commie paraphernalia, using violence to intimidate, and then causing insurrection by establishing CHAZ/CHOP/COMMIE-CENTRAL in the middle of Seattle, doesn't it? Something about history repeating itself comes to mind.... Mmm, it's couldn't be that the Democrat Party is doing today what its always been doing! Surely not! Remember, when Joe Biden says that you can't be black if you don't vote for him, he's only expressing true Democrat values. And I wonder how long it will take for him to quote Alexander H. Stephens, the Vice President of the Confederacy, when he famously said: Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. And so you can see that I am not lying, I've highlighted the text of the Wikipedia article I quoted above:
9 million Africans are still enslaved.
But you won't hear a blessed word from #BlackLivesMatter or any Leftist Fake News. It seems that the only black lives that really matter are the privileged, First World black lives of the prosperous and wealthy West. Sod the black lives that live in the Third World, right? Maybe a new hashtag could be #SlaveLivesMatter. But, it'll probably be banned by Social Media for being racist or some such nonsense. As I stated in my previous post, white slavery is a thing. Since the tragic death of George Floyd in the US, the subject of black oppression and historical slavery of black people has once again been brought up. But, as usual, emotions get in the way of truth. And because the narrative is being driven by a particular viewpoint, the cold, hard and uncomfortable truths about slavery are suppressed. So let us take a brief look at these hard truths. Ready? These come in no particular order: 1) Slavery is as old as the human race. Men have been enslaving other men for centuries. Every civilisation used slavery as a form of labour. All the ancient empires used slavery. It's a fact of life. And another factoid is that slavery still exists today around Africa. In Niger, for example, Wikipedia states: Slavery continues to exist in Niger today. The most significant survey of slavery in Niger identified 11,000 respondents throughout the country who were identified as being slaves. Using further responses from these a partial sample revealed 43,000 slaves. Further extrapolating from this information, and including the children of slaves, the anti-slavery organization Timidria estimated a possible total of 870,363 slaves (both chattel slaves and passive slaves) in Niger in 2002–2003. 2) The word "slave" is interesting. Why? Because it comes from the ethnonym slav, in reference to the Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe. In the Early Middle Ages, the Moors who conquered Iberia travelled to Eastern Europe in order to capture and sell Slavs into slavery. Did you get that? Black African/Arab Muslims enslaved white, Christian, Europeans. And the Slavs weren't the only Europeans to made into slaves. The Christians of Iberia were turned into slaves, and the beautiful women amongst them were carted off to become the concubine of some far off Muslim prince. So, the word slave itself is derived from black-on-white slavery. White slavery is a thing. Again, it doesn't take too much research to find out that even white people were enslaved either by other white people, or by non-white people. 3) Various African nations engaged extensively in slavery for centuries. For example, the Empire of Ethiopia sold its own subjects to Muslim slavers. Ultimately, when the Transatlantic Slave Trade began to take form, the colonialists found their African slaves already enslaved and ready to buy. From whom did they buy these slaves? From the Muslim Arabs and Africans who already had a fruitful supply of slaves from Africa.
4) A big part of African slavery was the emergence and dominance of Islam. Muslim Arabs enslaved the African peoples they conquered, just like they enslaved white Europeans as well. Later, the European colonialists bought slaves from the Arab Slave Trade, and on many occasions actually took over many of these trade routes from the Arabs/African Muslims. 5) A little known fact (and one that will be most embarrassing to our leftists adversaries) is that one of the first cases of legalised slavery in the English colonies of North America involved a black man from Angola (then a colony of the Portuguese Empire). He was captured by the Portuguese, named Anthony, and then sold to a colonist in the Colony of Virginia as a indentured servant. He (together his wife Mary whom he married whilst a servant) was given freedom around 1635, and later became a very prosperous and wealthy man. He was granted land by the said Colony of Virginia, on which he grew tobacco. He owned around 150 acres of land. And who farmed this land for our Anthony? None other than African servants. One such servant, John Casor, was later ordered by the Northampton Court to remain a permanent indentured servant to Anthony, or what we would call a slave. That's right. The first black man to be a legal slave in British North America had a master who was himself an African. Repeat for full retention: a black man was one of the first men in British North America to legally own a slave! So all of you BLM and other liberals can put that in your pipe and smoke it. 6) Those scarfs worn by Democrat politicians in the US are called Kente scarfs. They are the traditional vesture of the Ashanti people of present day Ghana. In times past, they were worn by the royalty of the Ashanti Empire. The background to this Empire is that the Ashanti engaged in slavery. So, the scarfs worn by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer represent Ashanti royals who sold their own subjects into slavery. Is the donning of this scarf a symbol of how Democrats have, for decades, kept blacks under control, and how even black Democrat politicians sell their own people out for power, money and prestige? 7) A documentary on Britain's role in the slave trade follows three particular white people who have a black slave ancestor, that is, these white English people are directly descended from black slaves. This proves a point: that you don't need to be black to be the descendant of a slave, and that thinking that only black people could ever possibly be the descendants of slaves is, well, racist. And if we're going to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves, these white English people would need to be paid said reparations. And of course, one would possibly find many black people in the West whose ancestors sold other black people into slavery. One can quickly see that the Leftist argument that if you're white you MUST be the descendant of slavers and if you're black you MUST be the descendant of slaves is proved false. 8) The descendants of black slaves who now live in America have a life far better than their ancestors. This is proof that God can draw straight with crooked lines. The movement of black people from Africa to the Colonies has now resulted in Black Americans becoming part of the American Dream. Black Americans (and blacks in the West in general) have access to things that blacks in Africa could only dream of accessing. One would have to ask: if life in the West is so bad for you, why not remove yourself to the land of your ancestors? I think we all know the answer to that question. 9) It's one thing to peacefully protest about real injustices in society, but it's another to bitch about an historical event that cannot be changed. What's done is done, and nothing can change that. You don't see Tunisians complaining about how the Romans 2,000+ years ago destroyed Carthage and enslaved the entire population of the city, do you? Why? Because they're clever enough to know that modern Romans/Italians can't change an event that happened 20 centuries ago. And nothing can change the slave trade. 10) A really dangerous thing for a black man to do is actually act out the racial stereotype that many think him to be. Seeing the videos of black people rioting and looting stores for stupid things like Nike trainers (sneakers) just feeds stereotypes and prejudices that some have against black people. It just makes actual racists solid in their belief that black people are animals who can't be civilised and thus must be pacified, with force even. And frankly, is it sad and tragic to watch black youths cajoled into acting out stereotypes, advised (of course) by white leftists who are (as we have all seen) the biggest racists to walk the face of God's green earth. I mean, if Joe Biden's claim that if you don't vote Democrat then you're not really black isn't as racist as heck, then I don't know what is. Archbishop Vigano, a man now both famous and infamous depending on which side of the fence you sit on, though in hiding, has refused to stay silent on various pertinent matters, now including the social upheaval caused by both the Plandemic and by the current rioting in the United States, of which he was Apostolic Nuncio under Pope Benedict XVI. On the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (7 June 2020), the good Archbishop published an open letter to President Trump via LifeSiteNews, essentially warning the President that the civil disturbances being agitated against him since his election and subsequent Inauguration, though brought about by evil men and those under their control, are in truth the machinations of none other than the Father of Lies, the Murderer, the Prince of Darkness, whose children are now everywhere tearing down what remains of Christian civilisation. In fact, the Archbishop warns the President about the Masonic Latin motto Solve et Coagula, which means to dissolve and bring together. It is a motto tattooed on the arms of the idol of Baphomet, the goat-headed god of witches, which is being installed in various places by Satanists. Dr. Taylor Marshall explains what this motto means in the video below. Yesterday (Wed 10 June), President Trump retweeted the Archbishop's letter and asked for everyone to read it. Make no mistake about this. It is all planned. It cannot be ignored that these civil crises come about with efficient regularity, and upon the heels of the previous crises, especially in the United States. In regards to President Trump, it was the Russia Investigation. And when that turned up nothing, they immediately changed the narrative to Ukraine. That blew up, so they tried Impeachment. When that fell down the hole, then came along COVID-19, which just happened to have been planned back in October 2019 by none other than the Doctor of the Universe, Bill Gates-of-Hell, who, coincy-dinky, already has a patent for a Mark of the Beast style vaccine/chip ready for use on the entire human race in the face of a pandemic. And I'm sure it's also just a coincidence that the very virus used in Gates' pandemic simulation back in October 2019 just happened to be a coronavirus! Still think this is just random? And now the Corona Spell is wearing off and people are beginning to see the truth - namely, that the Coronavirus is none other than a seasonal cold/flu, and that the people it's killed are the same people who would have been killed by a seasonal cold regardless; that the government's response (egged on by the Scientific Elite, in the control of Lucifer) to literally suicide the economy and cause a depression is as man-made as the Great Depression of the 1930's; that this whole Pandemic was a yet another attempt by Satan and his minions to further usher in the New World Order with its Supreme Dictator - Antichrist. What's the successor of the Plandemic? Another race war agitated by Black Lives Matter (read: Burn, Loot, Mugg) and Antifa (read: Antifacist But Actually Communist). And I'm sure it's just coincidental that the last major race riot happened in 2016, the year of the last US Presidential Election! I've given a bit of commentary on the whole George Floyd situation, so there is no need to rehearse it here. Anyone with eyes to see and at least a functioning brain cell can see that nothing I've described above is coincidental. It's all planned and orchestrated by the satellites of Satan. Just as God never stops working in the preservation and governance of the universe, so Satan never stops in his attempt to destroy that same universe. And the bulls-eye on his dartboard is the Catholic Church, with men of good will being fairly close to it. The Church is the really the last man standing. But, he has managed to infiltrate Her as he has done civil society. Lucifer never forgets the sober truth that many of the Church's hierarchs have: that the Catholic Church IS the protector of true, moral and Christian society. Without Her, the place formerly known as Christendom will slip back into its heathenism. And isn't that what we see today? As the vestiges of Catholicism is shrugged off by society, it becomes corrupt and pagan. What was sacred has been profaned, and what is profane is now sacred. Truths are lies, and lies are the truth. Society is at war with reality itself, and the inability of comprehend and conform oneself to reality is the very definition of insanity. The Prince of this world has quite literally driven society insane. Whilst Archbishop Vigano is right in saying that the truly evil are a minority compared to those with good will, it is also true to say that the truly evil have complete control over the good willed. At this very moment, the evil have seized control of practically every institution in the West, most especially the education and governmental institutions. With these two under their claws, the seed of Satan have been able to indoctrinate the people of tomorrow and then use them to take over the governments of the West, which in turn impose the Luciferian Agenda on the rest of society. And here is something that needs to drilled into people, especially Americans: Society is going to keep collapsing. It has too. Otherwise there will be no Antichrist, and the Book of the Apocalypse written by St. John the Apostle will be a lie. It is Divine Providence that society collapses in order for Antichrist to come to power, but in the end, naturally, Almighty God wins. God may permit a plateauing of the collapse, or out of mercy for the just postpone the collapse for a time (and He seems to have done this in the US with President Trump, amongst other nations), but that postponement is only temporary. Neither Trump nor the good that he has managed to do with last forever. Eventually, Americans will have to face the reality that the Constitution that they love so much will become only a memory for those who've read it, and a dream by those who haven't. All of your constitutional rights and freedoms will be taken away from you, as candy is from a naughty child. The Greatest Nation On Earth, will be no more. It will become a province of the Satanic Empire. And yet, as I said, God permits a delay in the collapse of society for the sake of the just. We may petition Him to withhold His wrath for a time, but eventually the Just Judge will render His verdict. We may plead with Him like our holy father Abraham before the nefarious cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, but the fire of Divine Justice will eventually rain down on society. As St. Alphonsus Ligouri taught: God's Mercy will end and His Justice will take over. And when that happens, God help you! Minor Language Alert!! ------------------- UPDATE 9 June 2020: Just discovered that the World Health Organisation has already announced that asymptomatic carries of COVID-19 rarely spread the virus. So, the wearing of facial coverings under the pretence that you may be an asymptomatic carrier, and thus inadvertently spread the virus to others, is just Fake News then? Just more bulls**t? Just more proof that this whole scare-mongering was planned? Gotcha. --------------- Annus Horribilis is a Latin term which means horrible year. And that certainly is what 2020 has become. We are at the half way point of the year, and look at what Anno Domini MMXX has become! We began the year with half the human race scared into self-imprisonment in their homes over a seasonal cold/flu, governments shuttering businesses which has caused the economy to essentially tank and people to lose their jobs, people being told to done a facial covering of any kind which will do nothing to stop them either catching or spreading the virus, and the like. Now that the Corona Spell is wearing off, people are waking up to the fact that this whole pandemic has been a scam straight from Satan's Big Book of Lies, most especially since a report was leaked from Germany that revealed for all the world to see that, indeed, the Pandemic was completely fabricated. The money quote: Some of the report key passages are: But the Father of Lies isn't finished trying to wreck society. He and his minions have devised another way to destroy the social order: foment anarchy in the streets. And this - like the Pandemic - couldn't be achieved without Satan's useful tool: the Mainstream Media. Once again, we have a protest-turned-riot in the streets of not only the United States, but even my own country of the United Kingdom, amongst others, over the death of a black man unjustly killed by a policeman, Derek Chauvin. Said black man - one George Floyd - whilst undeserving of being killed by Derek via suffocation from having his airway precluded by the policeman's knee being plunged into his neck, nevertheless is not as innocent as many make him out to be. Mr. Floyd, from what I understand, has a criminal record (even the New York Post reported on it) and was, at the time of his arrest, high on meth and other substances and was in possession of some white powder. Incidentally, Derek Chauvin was known to said Mr. Floyd, and apparently has a case of abusive behaviour. As I understand it, back in the early 2000's, the cop was under investigation for such abuse, but it came to nought. The person in charge of his investigation was none other than the Democrat presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar. Says everything, doesn't it! And now, the protests against Mr. Floyd's unjust murder have been hijacked - as usual - by Black Lives Matter, whose history stretches back to the Communists of the early 20th Century, and who explicitly want to Communise the West. They are a Communist movement, through and through. They only use their name "Black Lives Matter" as a front. They want total destruction of Western (read: Christian) Civilisation. How is it that a movement supposedly championing black rights want to dismantle "cisgender privilege" and "patriarchal practise", along with "disrupting" the nuclear family and want to free "ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking"? What has that got to do with the death of a black man? Absolutely nothing, whatsoever. Sadly, Mr. Floyd's death is being used as the catalyst to cause a race war - a move toward Communist Revolution, which in turn will be a facet of the New World Order, which in turn will bring about Antichrist eventually - and the black community in both America, Britain and the rest of the Western World is once again being used as pawns. The sad truth about "Black America" is that they have never stopped being slaves. Once upon a time, they were put in chains, packed onto ships, and sent off to the Colonies to work on a plantation. When it came for abolition, the Democrat Party opposed it. When it passed, they had to find a new way to keep the black man under their yoke, and so in the 20th Century the same Democrats introduced Jim Crow laws, segregation, the KKK, and one Democrat voter, Margaret Sanger, founded the abortion giant Planned Parenthood. For what reason? She says: We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. That's right. Planned Parenthood was founded by a Democrat who wanted to genocide black people. And it's little wonder that even to this very day, there are more Planned Parenthood murder chambers in black neighbourhoods than in white neighbourhoods. But, I'm sure it's just a coincy-dinky, right?! Thus, the Democrats have moved the black man from the Planation of the Field to the Plantation of the City, wherein they are told to vote Democrat (dare to vote Republican and you're an Uncle Tom), not to marry (since the Government will be your husband and your bread-winner) which creates fatherless homes in which young black men grow up without knowing how live as proper men of society, which in turn causes them to seek out a gang to belong to, thinking this is what a man's identity is. By the time they're 30, they will either have been in prison numerous times or be dead from either being shot by a cop or by another black gangster. And now we publicly see the truth of Black Lives Matter, funded by the usual suspects (George Soros, et al). They are defacing the monuments of various persons, including that of Sir Winston Churchill in London. They are pillaging various establishments, razing others, and causing absolute mayhem in the streets. And the effeminate response by the authorities is just telling. Enough with the bulls**t! Well, enough is enough! Our countries needs to be re-set, the hard way it seems. These leftists need to be purged from ALL institutions, and permanently dealt with in some manner for crimes against the State. Black Lives Matter and Antifa are nothing other than enemy belligerents of the New World Order and should be treated as such. We are at war. And we are losing. God help us if the latter half of 2020 turns out worse that the earlier half! |
April 2024