Archbishop Vigano, a man now both famous and infamous depending on which side of the fence you sit on, though in hiding, has refused to stay silent on various pertinent matters, now including the social upheaval caused by both the Plandemic and by the current rioting in the United States, of which he was Apostolic Nuncio under Pope Benedict XVI. On the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (7 June 2020), the good Archbishop published an open letter to President Trump via LifeSiteNews, essentially warning the President that the civil disturbances being agitated against him since his election and subsequent Inauguration, though brought about by evil men and those under their control, are in truth the machinations of none other than the Father of Lies, the Murderer, the Prince of Darkness, whose children are now everywhere tearing down what remains of Christian civilisation. In fact, the Archbishop warns the President about the Masonic Latin motto Solve et Coagula, which means to dissolve and bring together. It is a motto tattooed on the arms of the idol of Baphomet, the goat-headed god of witches, which is being installed in various places by Satanists. Dr. Taylor Marshall explains what this motto means in the video below. Yesterday (Wed 10 June), President Trump retweeted the Archbishop's letter and asked for everyone to read it. Make no mistake about this. It is all planned. It cannot be ignored that these civil crises come about with efficient regularity, and upon the heels of the previous crises, especially in the United States. In regards to President Trump, it was the Russia Investigation. And when that turned up nothing, they immediately changed the narrative to Ukraine. That blew up, so they tried Impeachment. When that fell down the hole, then came along COVID-19, which just happened to have been planned back in October 2019 by none other than the Doctor of the Universe, Bill Gates-of-Hell, who, coincy-dinky, already has a patent for a Mark of the Beast style vaccine/chip ready for use on the entire human race in the face of a pandemic. And I'm sure it's also just a coincidence that the very virus used in Gates' pandemic simulation back in October 2019 just happened to be a coronavirus! Still think this is just random? And now the Corona Spell is wearing off and people are beginning to see the truth - namely, that the Coronavirus is none other than a seasonal cold/flu, and that the people it's killed are the same people who would have been killed by a seasonal cold regardless; that the government's response (egged on by the Scientific Elite, in the control of Lucifer) to literally suicide the economy and cause a depression is as man-made as the Great Depression of the 1930's; that this whole Pandemic was a yet another attempt by Satan and his minions to further usher in the New World Order with its Supreme Dictator - Antichrist. What's the successor of the Plandemic? Another race war agitated by Black Lives Matter (read: Burn, Loot, Mugg) and Antifa (read: Antifacist But Actually Communist). And I'm sure it's just coincidental that the last major race riot happened in 2016, the year of the last US Presidential Election! I've given a bit of commentary on the whole George Floyd situation, so there is no need to rehearse it here. Anyone with eyes to see and at least a functioning brain cell can see that nothing I've described above is coincidental. It's all planned and orchestrated by the satellites of Satan. Just as God never stops working in the preservation and governance of the universe, so Satan never stops in his attempt to destroy that same universe. And the bulls-eye on his dartboard is the Catholic Church, with men of good will being fairly close to it. The Church is the really the last man standing. But, he has managed to infiltrate Her as he has done civil society. Lucifer never forgets the sober truth that many of the Church's hierarchs have: that the Catholic Church IS the protector of true, moral and Christian society. Without Her, the place formerly known as Christendom will slip back into its heathenism. And isn't that what we see today? As the vestiges of Catholicism is shrugged off by society, it becomes corrupt and pagan. What was sacred has been profaned, and what is profane is now sacred. Truths are lies, and lies are the truth. Society is at war with reality itself, and the inability of comprehend and conform oneself to reality is the very definition of insanity. The Prince of this world has quite literally driven society insane. Whilst Archbishop Vigano is right in saying that the truly evil are a minority compared to those with good will, it is also true to say that the truly evil have complete control over the good willed. At this very moment, the evil have seized control of practically every institution in the West, most especially the education and governmental institutions. With these two under their claws, the seed of Satan have been able to indoctrinate the people of tomorrow and then use them to take over the governments of the West, which in turn impose the Luciferian Agenda on the rest of society. And here is something that needs to drilled into people, especially Americans: Society is going to keep collapsing. It has too. Otherwise there will be no Antichrist, and the Book of the Apocalypse written by St. John the Apostle will be a lie. It is Divine Providence that society collapses in order for Antichrist to come to power, but in the end, naturally, Almighty God wins. God may permit a plateauing of the collapse, or out of mercy for the just postpone the collapse for a time (and He seems to have done this in the US with President Trump, amongst other nations), but that postponement is only temporary. Neither Trump nor the good that he has managed to do with last forever. Eventually, Americans will have to face the reality that the Constitution that they love so much will become only a memory for those who've read it, and a dream by those who haven't. All of your constitutional rights and freedoms will be taken away from you, as candy is from a naughty child. The Greatest Nation On Earth, will be no more. It will become a province of the Satanic Empire. And yet, as I said, God permits a delay in the collapse of society for the sake of the just. We may petition Him to withhold His wrath for a time, but eventually the Just Judge will render His verdict. We may plead with Him like our holy father Abraham before the nefarious cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, but the fire of Divine Justice will eventually rain down on society. As St. Alphonsus Ligouri taught: God's Mercy will end and His Justice will take over. And when that happens, God help you!
April 2024