Whilst reading the comments on a favourite Catholic website, One Peter Five, I came across a comment by the Editor-in-Chief, Steve Skojec. He was replying to a comment regarding Pope Benedict's resignation. I replied as you can see below. I have had to amend my comment due to another reader misinterpreting my comment as promoting Sede Vacantism, a current heresy that teaches that we have had no Pope since 1958. My amended comment makes it more forceful that I do not accept Sede Vacantism. However, my main comment is still there, just with some amendments attached.
Sadly, a reader decided to rashly, and uncharitably, judge me, blanketing his comment as directed at "people". But since his comment was in reply to mine, he was clearing directing his comment at me.
As you can no doubt read, I don't do what he accuses me of doing. I merely asked some questions regarding the situation with having two Popes, or rather, why Benedict still is a Pope. It appears that one is not allowed to ask these questions.
My original comment to Steve Kostoff was going to be: I wish some people wouldn't be so rashly judgmental of others. However, I refrained from saying such as I deemed it uncharitable. Instead I replied with the following:
Since he directed a rather judgmental comment at me, without knowing who I was, let us suppose I was a priest. How would he have felt if I had responded: for the record, I am a priest in good standing with the Church. He would have had to apologise for making such a rash reply.
Unfortunately, it's not the first time someone has made a rashly judgmental comment toward me. I try not to be rashly judgmental of other people when replying to them, as I don't know their situation, or who they actually are. I do have to say that one of the things that irks me about some Traditionalists is how quick they can be to judge other Catholics, especially if they are not Traditionalist. In my original comment to Steve Skojec, I recognised that I was no theologian nor competent to judge such matters. If a future Pontiff makes a definitive pronouncement during my lifetime, then I will adhere to that. It seems that even in the Traddy world, certain topics are verboten. It should not be surprising, considering that that same world is not immune to the mainstream Church, as I evidence in my Commentary on Gay Traditionalists. My simple asking as to why Benedict XVI still dresses and acts like a Pope when he resigned from the Papacy turns into an act of my permutating Sede Vacantism (I may go into the subject of Benedict's resignation in another Commentary post). I have seen this on other sites, where someone asks simple questions, and then gets attacked for being a Sede Vacantist. It is the Catholic equivalent to the Radical Left, who use certain words to shut down legitimate questioning. It is never a good thing to rashly judge other people, or judge them otherwise, epsecially when you don't know them at all! As of publishing, Mr. Kostoff hasn't replied, but if he does, I will update this post with his reply.
April 2024