So that no one is confused any longer about what took place on the 4th of October 2019, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, in the Vatican Gardens - just yards from the tomb of the Prince of the Apostles - let me annunciate it for everyone to understand:
The statues of the naked, pregnant women in the centre of the worship circle are idols of the Incan goddess/demon Pachamama, also known as "Mother Earth". And yes, idolatry was practised within the sacred precincts of St. Peter's tomb and on the very site of his most holy martyrdom. Has everyone got that? Good! And, no, those idols are NOT the Blessed Mother and St. Elizabeth, as certain prelates blasphemously claim. They are idols of the demon Pachamama, and thanks be to God for the brave souls who removed them from the church they were put in and threw them into the Tiber. I personally would have burnt them, but needs must. Apparently, the hastags on Twitter in support of this is #Splashamama, and also #IamCristeros - because the Modernists are raging mad that their pantheistic idolatry was destroyed and are now seeking to uncover the identities of the men involved in the destruction of these idols. And just so you all know, in case you didn't: pantheism is intrinsic to Modernism. The vast majority of the clergy (and I would say 99% of the Vatican) are Modernists, and thus Pantheists. Hence the obsession on environmentalism and the whole earth worship in the Vatican. Modernists literally think the earth is God! As I said in my previous commentary on not being scandalised, I am not longer scandalised by all this because I have read about Modernism and thus already know that they are Pantheists. Thus, I am not surprised that they are openly engaging in earth worship. In fact, I'd be surprised if they didn't! And all the talk of married priests, women clergy and all the rest of that BS is all classic Modernism.
April 2024