The last few weeks I have been reading the many articles published by Ann Barnhardt regarding this Coronavirus. And I have to say, she has been putting out some very interesting information, from verifiable sources. For example, she has shown that Coronavirus is following the normal patterns of seasonal colds, and that in Italy, 9 million people already have had Coronavirus and become immune to it. I believe that I have had a strain of Coronavirus back in December, because I suddenly fell really ill. I had a burning fever, painful headache, aching body and later a runny nose and a slight chest infection (thank God it didn't aggravate my asthma). These are all symptoms of Coronavirus (and other seasonal colds). However, I digress. In her article from 15 April 2020, titled #TOLDYA: Seasonal CoronaCold Virus Follows Normal Seasonal Track Regardless of Quarantine, she says:
Whilst I have found the information she has been publishing to be fascinating, and also incriminating at the same time, I have to say that I have to disagree with her assessment that this is not a scourge. I said in my post Don't panic over coronavirus. Just pray to the Fourteen Holy Helpers, I said that: I myself am not getting sucked into the 1692 Salem Witch Trial hysterics over this virus. Regardless of the origin of this virus (whether natural or man-made), I do believe that Almighty God has sent this virus as a chastisement upon us. Now, Ann's idea is that since the lockdown and all the consequences that have resulted from it are self imposed, that that somehow means that this is not a scourge from God. But, Ann is no stupid person. In fact, if you read her blog long enough and listen to her podcasts (or any of her videos) you will see that she is one very intelligent lady. She's no fool. And yet, she doesn't seem to have thought that this self-inflicted crisis that our Lords and Masters have willed to impose upon us is precisely a punishment from God. He has allowed us to be blinded and have our reason replaced with fear. And fear makes people do terrible things. Unreasonable things. Like, say, shutting down one's country to the point that its economy is on the edge of total and unreturnable collapse. Or, making people isolate themselves not only from the general public, but even from one another in one's own household. Or, alas, permitting NWO leaders like Bill Gates-of-Hell to "save" us from the virus by a vaccine, along with some form of Mark of the Beast to accompany it. I think we have all seen the pictures and footage of what happened in the shops when people panicked. They hoarded enough food that could feed an army, and left vulnerable people without anything. People were robbing one another for toilet paper! TOILET PAPER! Almighty God doesn't need to will a disease to come upon us. He just permits for a virus to break out of a virology lab somewhere (in this case, China) and then removes reason from people, who then automatically replace that reason with fear (stoked, naturally, but the Mainstream Media, which is none other than the Ministry of Propaganda for the NWO) and let fear do the rest. Remember, fear caused the Carthaginians, when faced with annihilation by Rome, to sacrifice thousands of their children to their gods, an act that disgusted pagan Rome herself. Again, fear makes people do terrible things. And all God needs to do is remove reason from the minds of men. Another classic example of this was the 1692 Salem Witch Trials. The Puritans were so superstitious, and excessively fearful of Satan and his witches, that when certain girls of Salem went into self-created delirium, the whole town erupted into hysterics, putting to death any man, woman or child who was strange, or acting out of turn, like the toothless old crone who lived at the edge of the village. Eventually, the girls admitted they weren't bewitched, and thus the poor folk put to death were actually victims of hysteria. Today, we have the Coronavirus Trials. We are being told that if you are within two metres (or six feet) of another human person, you're evil. If you go out to your own garden, you're evil. And the hysterics has gone to such a degree that we are now being told that we might be under lockdown and social distancing for several years! Instead of being told to say indoors for fear we might be bewitched, we are being told to stay indoors for fear of contracting a virus (that millions have already had). Folks, this IS a punishment from God, I do truly believe, regardless of how it started. Remember, God's ways are not our ways, and no man can ever probe the Mind of God. In Romans 1, St. Paul tells us that God punishes sodomites by removing His grace from them, thus allowing them to fall deeper into their depravity. He removes reason from them, and without reason to control their passions, their passions end up ruling them. And think, it is not accidental that this virus is the only one to have shut down all the churches, meaning no Sacraments. No public offering of the Mass, which St. Robert Bellarmine and others have said is what the Abomination of Desolation is. No. public. celebration. of. the. Holy. Sacrifice. of. the. Mass. I am not saying this is THE Abomination, but I do think this is a prototype of it, a foretaste of it. This is practically the only time nearly all the Catholic Churches of the world have been shut down because of a virus. And all it took was for, essentially, a seasonal cold to cause it all. But, above all that, it proves something: Reason ran away, and left us poor men with only our hysteria.
April 2024