God our Father, You will all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Send workers into Your great Harvest that the Gospel may be preached to every creature and Your people, gathered together by the Word of Life and strengthened by the power of the Sacraments, may advance in the way of salvation and love.
Prayer for Missions Sunday ---------------------------- O Lord Jesus Christ, for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name and for the honour of Holy Mother Church, Thou dost command for Thy Gospel to be promulgated amongst men, and dost provide missionaries to preach the truth to all the world; bless Thy Church with an increase in the Missions, that by their preaching and conduct they may draw all men to the profession of the Catholic Faith. O Lord, Thou hast so willed that no man can be saved without the Catholic Religion, and hast ordered that non shall come to know Thee save through the Catholic Church; so may Thou greatly bless the missions and also those who come to believe in Thee, Who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen O St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, thou hast been championed by Mother Church as the patroness of the Missions. Intercede for the Missions, that Our Lord will graciously provide for the growth of the Church, and shall make Her the Mother of all men. Amen Composed by St. Mark's
April 2024