One of the supposed treasures of modern society is Liberty. It is the reason why the Americans seceded from the British Empire during the days of King George III. It is the reason why the Allies had to fight against the Axis powers in WWII. It is the reason why we must fight in the Middle East.
Many Catholics today have no idea that there is a difference between the Christian liberty afforded those who are baptised members of the Catholic Church, and the philosophy of Liberalism. One teaches us to pursue always the good in life, the other teaches us that we can do whatever we wish and that there are no restraints. I want to take some time to discuss Liberalism, at least from my own point of view, and maybe proffer some thought on the subject. Let us first define what Liberalism is so we all understand what is meant by the term and so we all are singing from the same hymn-sheet: The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines Liberalism as: a political and economic doctrine that emphasizes individual autonomy, equality of opportunity, and the protection of individual rights (primarily to life, liberty, and property), originally against the state and later against both the state and private economic actors, including businesses. It goes on to say: Throughout much of history, the individual has been submerged in and subordinate to his clan, tribe, ethnic group, or kingdom. Liberalism is the culmination of developments in Western society that produced a sense of the importance of human individuality, a liberation of the individual from complete subservience to the group, and a relaxation of the tight hold of custom, law, and authority. In this respect, liberalism stands for the emancipation of the individual. So, Liberalism is the emancipation of the individual from complete subservience to the group and the relaxation of custom, law and authority (also known as Individualism). Wikipedia adds: Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free market, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion. So we have some idea of the doctrine of Liberalism. Yes, it takes many forms depending on the private interpretation of the liberal in question, but liberals generally tend to espouse common views. The Cult of Liberty article I have posted on here states about Liberty: Is this the liberty that the cult of liberty strives for? Is the cult of liberty the desire to free man from the excesses of government in regulating the lives of the citizens? No, because the facts of history tell us otherwise. The world has never known more oppressive governments or bigger governments than those which profess the cult of liberty. No governments have meddled more in the lives of their citizens. Since the abolition of the monarchies and the rise of democracies, the common man, the family and business have been subject to tyrannical oppression, emaciating taxation, as well as economic and social “engineering” which affects every aspect of life. The democracies of the past two hundred years make the most dictatorial monarchical regimes look like liberty fests. With democracy have come both liberalism and socialism, two sources of oppression for hundreds of millions of people, if not billions, over the past two hundred years. And so, let me ask you a question: Who was the first Liberal? Yes, that's right. Lucifer. Liberalism has its origin in Lucifer when he rebelled against God, and sought to emancipate himself from the Divine Majesty and from angelic society. And, how'd that turn out? Yeah, that should give you an idea of where Liberalism leads. Since that fateful day, when St. Michael smote down the Dragon, Lucifer has sought to overthrow the Divine Majesty everywhere he can. He has sought to make himself equal to God; he knows he cannot overthrow God, but he can lead men away from Him and from the adoration due to God alone. However, Lucifer's plan backfired when Our Lord came on the scene and founded the Catholic Church as the only means of salvation. The Catholic Church became the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, ruled by Christ Himself through His Vicar, the Pope. Over the course of centuries, the Church began to mould Europe into a collection of Catholic nations based on God's Law. What was born from that was Christendom. Christendom was a place where Faith and Politics were not too wholely disconnected from one another, but rather worked together to perfect human society as much as possible. Catholicism wasn't a private religious affair performed only on Sundays. It was an entire way of life. People knew what day it was not by the date on the calendar but rather by the feasts that the Church celebrated. For example, the 25th of March wasn't the 25th of March for a Mediaeval Catholic: it was the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Everyone from the king to the peasant lived Catholic Life. For around a thousand years, there was peace in the Church, and Christendom was united in one Religion: Catholicism. The Eastern Churches fell into schism, and thus suffer the judgment of God due to their schism. The Roman Church, on the other hand, was greatly blessed by Christ, and enjoyed peace and prosperity. Lucifer, however, was far from peaceful. Though his power had been weakened, he was biding his time for when the thousand years would end and the Lord would permit him to unleash his rage upon the earth. That millennium came to an end in 1517, when Lucifer found a willing disciple in an Augustinian priest by the name of Martin Luther.[1] Here was a cleric who was suffering from moral problems, due to his over-scrupulousness, and his inability to control his passions, especially his lust. He probably was also mentally unstable considering his rash and extreme behaviour. Luther's erratic and extreme behaviour led him to conclude that he was so depraved that he could do no good, and that it was pointless to try and correct his immoral behaviour. He was a man who had lost control of himself, and took leave of his senses. The tragic consequences of his life led him to the heresy of Faith Alone, and to the famous statement he wrote to Melancthon: Sin Boldly. For Luther, man was saved by faith alone in Christ, and was so depraved that he could do no good, not even keep the Commandments, and so Luther taught his fellow Germans to abandon them. In fact, on the subject of the Moral Law, Luther said: It does not matter what people do; it only matters what they believe. And there is the basis of Liberalism: you can do whatever you please, or as the Satanist Aleister Crowley so finely coined it: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. And so, Germany - or what was then the Holy Roman Empire - was the victim of religious Liberalism (what later became known as Progressivism or Modernism). Lucifer knew that he couldn't get a culture that was extremely religious to just suddenly become atheistic, and also knew that it would take time for his poison to finally murder Christendom. So, he began with "emancipating" people from the Catholic Church. He got people used to the idea of being free from the restraints that Catholicism naturally placed on people. Naturally, Lucifer knew that Liberalism wouldn't just be confined to the pulpit, but would spread to politics. And so, he bided his time and let the poison of Liberalism begin to work its way into the governments of Europe, especially the Protestant governments of Europe, who were already accustomed to the idea of emancipation from authority. Then, Lucifer's chance came in 1717, exactly 200 years after the beginning of Luther's protest against the Church. In 1717, Freemasonry in its current form was born. It's goal was the overthrow of Christian society, and in its place, a Liberal society. As Luther was the catapult to get Liberalism into Religion, so Freemasonry was the catapult to get Liberalism into Politics. The first chosen victim for Political Liberalism was the British colonies in North America, the Thirteen Colonies. The Freemasons used the tensions between the Colonies and the Crown as a means of leverage to inject their Liberalism into the minds of the colonists, and thus bring the American Revolution into play. Liberty was the cry of the Revolutionaries, and not only in America, but elsewhere, non more so than in France, as we shall see later. America certainly has now become the beacon of Liberty for the world. She boasts of her freedoms, enshrined in her Constitution, and exults in her role as the Leader of the Free World. America is the nation blessed above all others, and all other nations look up to her for light and liberty. Many Evangelicals go so far as to describe America as the Promised Land; the Land flowing with milk and honey; the shining city on the hill that cannot be hid; the beacon of the world. They say that the Pilgrims were like the ancient Israelites who fled the oppression of the British, and found freedom in the New World. For many Evangelicals, President George Washington is like a new Moses, ascending up Mount Rushmore amidst fire and smoke, and comes down with the Ten Amendments by which Americans are to be guided, much like the Ten Commandments Moses carried from the Lord to the Children of Israel. The Constitution is literally Gospel to some Evangelicals, and is Divinely Inspired like Sacred Scripture. This of course is heresy to Catholics. Only Scripture is Divinely Inspired, not some political document of revolutionaries. Incidentally, those epithets that are often given to America are used by the Scriptures to refer to the Church. This goes into a separate topic of Americanism. America is exceptional, we are told. Yes, exceptional in every form of vice and depravity, and the chief exporter of it! The Declaration of Independence, authored by Thomas Jefferson, details the many injuries committed by King George against the Thirteen Colonies. When you actually read them objectively, you discover that they are actually nonsense. Thankfully, someone actually commented on the grievances in the Declaration. For example, the Declaration complains that the King refused to establish judiciary powers, but then in the next complaint claims he is appointing Judges dependent solely on his will. Well, which is it? You can't complain that the King is not appointing judges, only to complain that he is appointing judges dependent on him! Law of Non-Contradiction applies here! Another example is when the Declaration complains that the King is keeping standing armies in the Colonies. Well, he is Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. And it's not like the US doesn't have soldiers in foreign countries, without the consent of the people of those respective countries! What we are actually seeing here is an attempt to legitimise a Freemasonic/Liberalist revolution against a Christian prince. The grievances are contrived as a cloak to cover the truth. And it becomes evident that the American Revolution wasn't just about freeing the Colonists from the tyranny of the British Sovereign. If it was, why were the Americans helping the Revolutionaries in France overthrow the French Monarchy, with Benjamin Franklin being the leading man? A great way to repay King Louis XVI who helped the Americans revolt against King George! Just goes to show: you can't trust Liberals. Another chosen victim for this Political Liberalism was the Kingdom of France. Hailed as the Eldest Daughter of the Church, she would now become the Eldest Daughter of Liberalism. A Kingdom once singularly blessed by Almighty God, with a monarchy personally approved by Heaven, she was now to be singularly cursed by Satan. The Liberalism of the 18th Century gave birth to the pretended Enlightenment, which actually was the reverse. Rather than actually be enlightened, Christendom was plunged into complete ignorance. Men became so reasoned, that they became unreasonable; so logical that they became illogical; so wise, that they became fools. And this shone non more so than in France. Armed with this new and poisonous philosophy of Liberalism, the Freemasons began to stir up the people of France against everything they had known. They were taught to hate the Church and the King. Both, cried the Revolutionaries, were oppressors of the people. In quick succession, the Church was suppressed, and the Monarchy was overthrown. Nobles were beheaded, and priests were massacred. The Revolutionaries, drunk on their Liberalism of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, massacred anyone and everyone who would not kneel before the new regime. This dark event in French history became known as The Terror. Lucifer's imposition of Political Liberalism was a failure short-term, but successful long-term. The First French Republic proved to be a blood-bath and more tyrannical than anything the French suffered under the Monarchy. Thus, the Republic was dissolved and the First French Empire was proclaimed. Ironically, the Revolutionaries abolished royalism only to later birth imperialism. As stated, the short-term imposition of Political Liberalism was a complete disaster, and the French Revolution also proved something interesting: the French were still religious, and the Church was still a powerful institution for them. And so, we see Lucifer guide his satellites, the Revolutionaries, to create a national religion, with its own feasts and calendar. Society was still not ready to accept atheistic Liberalism just yet, so Lucifer needed to wait again. During the 18th and 19th Centuries, we have Liberalism now greatly infecting the body politic of all nations it enters. It results in countless revolutions, the overthrow of Christian princes and the destruction of the right order of society. And, of course, we have the introduction of Marxism, Socialism, and other like philosophies that seek to subvert the order inherent in society. In the scientific realm, we have the introduction of such theories as Evolutionism, another of Lucifer's scams to "liberate" men from God. It gives a scientific foundation to Atheism, and to the notion that God doesn't exist. And now we have Atheism introduced into the world en masse, and with it Atheistic Liberalism. By the end of the 19th Century, we now have Religious, Political, Cultural and Scientific liberation from God. In 1917, exactly 200 years after the founding of Freemasonry, and 400 years after Luther's revolt, we have the birth of Communism in the Russian Empire. Again, Liberalism was at work here, along with Freemasonry. The people were taught to hate their Emperor, Nicholas II, and demand for more liberties. When the Tsar acquiesced to their demands, the Revolutionaries called for more and more. Now at fever pitch, they called for the abolition of the Monarchy itself. The revolutionaries were promised equality under the republican government and freedoms they were denied by the Emperor. And so, in October 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution came upon Imperial Russia. And what replaced the autocratic Monarchy? Were the people now liberated from tyranny and oppression? Well, in a way, yes. They were liberated from the Monarchy, but what the Revolutionaries failed to mention that what was to replace the Imperialist system was Communism: a system far more tyrannical and oppressive than any Tzar! Just like Revolutionary France, the Russian people were transitioned from being subjects of the Tzarist Empire to slaves of the Communist Empire. The republic that was founded on the ashes of the Empire was blood-thirsty and Satanic. Anyone who opposed it in any way was permanently dealt with. Communism was the pinnacle of Lucifer's agenda: it brought about Atheistic Liberalism that "liberated" the people from God in every possible way. The result of this emancipation? Religion was suppressed, Atheism was enforced, morals were destroyed. Communism did to men what Lucifer did to the angels: liberate them from God only to drive them into eternal misery in Hell. And make no mistake: Communism is Lucifer's child, and in no way will he allow it to die out. The fall of the Berlin Wall did not signal the fall of Communism. It only was a sign that Communistic principles were now infecting the West. Some of the principles of Communism, like state-controlled education, are now practised by Western Nations, including the great Beacon of Liberty: the United States of America. And it is reported that 50% of the Millennial Generation in the US now espouse Communistic ideas. This doesn't happen in a vacuum. It is the result of state-controlled education, which is now becoming explicitly Communist, especially in colleges and universities. And we are not short of stories that could be rehearsed here on what is happening in once famed institutions like Oxford and Cambridge here in my home country of England. Great and ancient Catholic universities, now reduced to Liberal indoctrination centres that brainwash the next generation of Liberals, complete with their Diabolical Narcissism. Millennials have become, quite literally, Lucifer's mini-me's. And now we have to discuss the Sexual Revolution, and the phenomena we are now experiencing which I will call the Reality Revolution. The Communists were the first to "liberate" men from sexual morals. They permitted all sorts of sexual depravity that is now becoming the norm in our liberal western democracies. And this Sexual Revolution is growing by the day. First it was about "free love". Then it was about the liberation of homosexuals. Coupled with this was the liberation of women under Feminism. And now we have the liberation of transsexual persons and the liberation of paedophilia. And, naturally, all of this liberation comes with indoctrination ready to infect the next generation. We see day by day the complete insanity of this Sexual Revolution. Children as young as five years are being taught the most depraved forms of sexual activities in schools. Children that young can barely count, let alone receive information regarding sexual matters! But, this is not surprising when you consider that Liberalism's only form of continued existence is to indoctrinate, and Lucifer is making sure to indoctrinate people as young as he can get them. And where does this liberation go next? Once you have liberated yourself from God and everything else, what's next to liberate yourself from? That's right.....reality. We see now in our societies that a growing portion of the population are literally becoming insane. People identifying themselves to be anything and everything. And it's getting worse. The State of California is the epicentre of the insanity (for United States at least, if not the entire West), especially when it regards the Acronym Community. The latest: California wants to essentially legalise sodomite child rapists by striking them off the child sex offenders register! Folks, this is getting seriously out of control and is purely demonic. Lucifer has almost absolute, autocratic control of society at this point. I could go on and one with how Liberalism is destroying society, but all one has to do is look out of the window to see the madness in action right before one's eyes. So, the question arises: What's the solution to all this? Short of Divine Intervention, the human solution, at least, is for Europe, Canada, and Latin America to return to their Catholic roots, and do it completely. I am talking all the way! Such nations need to completely Catholicise. Preferably, they either need their monarchies restored or a new monarchy erected. The Church needs to once again become the mistress and guide of civilisation. In order for Her to become such, Her clergy MUST be purged of all sodomites and effeminate men (my personal solution for this would be to reinstate the Inquisition). The Church must undergo an entire restoration of massive magnitude. The College of Cardinals must be shrunk to at least a maximum of 70 as it was for centuries since the Church doesn't need 200 Cardinals. The Roman Curia must be overhauled, big time. Essentially: the Church must regrow Her spine. I doubt that this is only time I will speak on this topic, so please keep an eye on this blog. I will, at the publishing of this blog, create a new category on Liberalism, and any articles I write or share from others on the subject with been collated there. I would encourage my readers to read Liberalism is a Sin and expecially the Papal documents: The Syllabus of Errors, Mirari Vos and Quanta Cura, all of which discuss Liberalism. ----------------------------------------- [1] The 1,000 year reign of Christ - commonly known as the Millennial Reign - is not actually physically 1,000 literal years as Protestants believe, but rather the entire New Testament period, i.e. from Christ to the end of time. However, one can see within that epoch a literal period of roughly 1,000 years, since Satan's activity and power has grown exponentially over the last 500 years. Thus, we could say that from the days of the Church's liberation in the 4th Century to around 1517, there was around a thousand years of peace; what could be called the Pax Ecclesia. This Pax was disturbed in a especial way by Luther's revolt, and the subsequent consequences of that. |
April 2024