Imagine I was a doctor that was wheeled out by government to address the nation on live TV to give advice on how to protect oneself against the common flu. And with a straight face told you that one of the ways to protect yourself in places like restaurants was to wear a mask when walking about the building, but not to wear one when seated. I should imagine you'd think me mad. You'd question my medical credentials.
And yet that is precisely what we've been told by the Medical Elite. Apparently, Covid is a magical virus. It only infects you when your standing or walking about, but not when you're seated at a table. Tables seem to have an invisible magic force field that protects you from viruses that dare come within 6 feet of you! And here in the UK pubs and restaurants have to close by 10pm, because, again, Covid is a magical virus that seems to also be nocturnal and you're going to get it in pubs after 10pm. If 12am is the witching hour, and 3am is the Devil's hour, then 10pm is the Covid hour! None of the measures taken by government have any logic behind them. Why? Because they aren't there to actually protect anyone. They're means of controlling the population. Fortunately, people are beginning to wake up and smell the Covid coffee. They're beginning to question the need for extended lockdowns, and the ever encroaching restrictions to their liberties. People aren't as sheepish as the Elites think them to be - at least, that's what I'm hoping. The UK government wheels out its medical "experts" who gives us predictions rather than facts, and then frightens people by said predictions. This MIGHT happen if....this COULD happen if....This MAY happen if....A lot of "ifs" flying about today! And, by the by, these are the same "experts" who wrongly told us that the world was going to die from foot and mouth disease and swine flu. Just remember that. The UK government are in another panic because we are seeing rise in Covid cases. Well, I should think so! The entire population was locked away in their homes for several months, thus resulting in most not getting Covid and building an immunity to it. Now, because autumn is here and the weather is getting colder, it is likely that Covid may return with a vengeance and infect those who haven't got any immunity to it. The Second Wave our government is hysterical about was caused by....that selfsame government. You cannot make this up. At the moment the Prime Minister has stated that there will not be a second lockdown, but let us count the hours before that decision, like so many of its predecessors, gets reversed.
April 2024