Ann reports more truth on COVID-19. Herd immunity has already happened in countries like Italy. This virus was out and about since at least October. Why were we not in complete fear then? Because we all assumed it was a normal seasonal cold, which it is.
Folks, we have been duped into making a seasonal cold into the Black Death 2.0 because the Doctor-of-the-World-Who-Has-No-Medical-Qualifications-Of-Any-Kind-Whatosever Bill Gates, who also happens to have in his pocket doctors like Deborah Birx, Anthony Fauci and others who are the very same doctors pushing fake numbers and models and have been doing so for decades, said it was the Black Death 2.0. And true to his Diabolical Narcissistic state, Bill Gates-of-Hell can't suppress his diabolical glee when he hears that he has single-handedly tanked the economy over a seasonal cold, as seen in the clip below. Bill Gates is a Diabolical Narcissist, and just like his demonic masters, can't contain his evil. Ann's post begins under the video.
Massive herd immunity confirmed in Italy from north to south. Antibodies prove that CoronaCold has been present and active in Italy since October.
And, what we have known and been saying since February is now being openly said: the death statistics are totally cooked and falsified. Remember my 24 March post, “Wait just a damn minute: Italian mortality figures are WITH, not FROM CoronaCold-19". This thing is a normal seasonal chest cold that essentially CANNOT kill on its own. The deaths attributed to it in Italy are mostly highly co-morbid people over 75, with more than half having been in nursing homes or hospitals – that is, already in the process of dying. In New York, we have the testimony of nurses and doctors on the ground that they are literally killing people, both by malpractice and by manslaughter. It’s a chest cold. Any talk of a vaccine is a criminal scam. The house arrest, economic destruction, and criminalization of the worship of God is the largest crime against humanity and peace ever perpetrated. Folks, DO NOT FORGET who among us was bellowing and screeching that MILLIONS or BILLIONS would die, and demanding that all churches be closed indefinitely, and anyone who dared so much as express dissent or, even worse, the desire to go to Mass or even visit Our Lord in the Tabernacle was a “murderous psychopath”. These people can’t be prosecuted for their complicity in this, but … may God have mercy on them, and may they seek it before they die. Here is the full algorithmic translation of the ORIGINAL ITALIAN REPORTAGE. [NB from St. Mark: Ann's mention of anyone who desires to go to Mass or even go to a church being branded as a "murderous psychopath" isn't hyperbole. Church Militant reports that a Spanish Cardinal opened the doors of his Cathedral and placed an image of Our Lady in the doorway for the faithful to venerate outside. Someone tweeted about it claiming that both the Cardinal and the Catholics outside were...wait for it..."murderers". I imbed the tweet itself below so that you can see I'm not lying. This is what it has come to, now.]
Carrying on with Ann's post:
The story you are about to read tells of a totally different Coronavirus emergency than what we have known so far. A new narrative of the health crisis, outside the mainstream, from the opinion of the experts and from the daily routine of the pandemic data bulletin. In fact, the numbers that today indicate more than 30 thousand deaths (243 more victims) and 217,185 thousand infections (1327 more) could be not only false, but also diametrically opposed. The virus would not cause any death, the first cases in Italy date back to last October and already a third of the population would have contracted it. This was revealed by a shock study conducted by Professor Pasquale Bacco who together with a group of researchers carried out 7038 medical examinations starting from the month of February. According to his story, there would be a story to be reversed and rewritten on a healthy basis. To find out his version of the facts, Luigia Luciani and Stefano Molinari interviewed Dr. Pasquale Bacco , a medical examiner and researcher. Here is the intervention of prof. Pasquale Bacco at Work in Progress. A third of the population has already been infected“ We are a group of doctors and we work for an American company called Meleam and it has forty-one offices in Italy. Since the beginning of February, we have carried out 7038 medical visits with related serological kits. Working on clinically healthy subjects, we went to check if there were antibodies in their blood for Covid . So if these subjects were more or less in contact with the virus. Result : out of 7038 they gave us a national average of 34% of people already infected. We had a maximum point on Brescia around 49 and a minimum point in Sicily on 28-29 “. First cases in October in the silence of the crisis unit“ At first we came into contact with the crisis unit . After 49% of Brescia, we went to the crisis unit in Rome, which was then forming, and we said these are names, surnames, addresses and everything. We have 49% of data that is perplexing. Moreover, on a very large sample, we had made 1700 at the time. So the possibility of error is practically zero . But the important thing about Brescia is that not only were there 49% of positive subjects, but 74% of these had immunoglobulin G as immune memory. That is, they were not recent infections. Now, if we consider the sample number over the whole area, the high value of positivity and immunoglobulins G we must make a jump in the past of at least three and a half months. The first cases are with certainty in October . When we presented these initial data to the embryo crisis unit, they made us talk to what had to be their consultant, who is a well-known virologist whom you all see on television by now. Who in the face of my grievances tells me: we in Brescia in my opinion are two. I tell him why and he answers me because it is so. Now months later, when all our data are confirming, three Italian universities (Milan, Naples and Bari) have asked us for the study. In August we will start with another 7000 visits. Now we have created a task force with 500 doctors in Italy. We are seeing things that in the coming weeks will bring us even more sensational data “ . False death count and unnecessary vaccine “ Keep in mind that I’m a coroner and I do autopsy tests. We have seen not only in the laboratory, but also with the tests on the deceased that it is a trivial virus . He has no ability to kill subjects who have no particular conditions. We are talking about a virus, Covid, which is absolutely trivial. The death toll is all false. This virus is not capable of killing in any way. Covid suffers from the weather and on television they still say it isn’t. Create immunity, even if limited. Do you want to know the biggest lie in the world? Even now on television they talk about vaccine . We have all seen that the virus has already mutated. You get one vaccine a year for the flu virus because one of the characteristics of Coronavirus is that it changes. Then this virus has already mutated. Would you get the Covid vaccine in June? As a free doctor I say that if we talk about vaccine for Covid-19 we talk about gossip. If we talk about a thousand deaths a day we talk about chatter . The same if it is not admitted that the climate completely eliminates the virus. Come to the lab with me. To verify that the virus dies with heat one does a very simple thing which is to increase the temperature. Do you know how much this operation costs? 7 euros and 80 cents. And we did it in early March. The whole country had to be told that this virus dies in May . “
April 2024