Note: Due to my busy work schedule, I am unable to commit to writing articles every day, or even every other day. Instead, I will collate commentary in a Diary version (something I'm borrowing from a magazine I subscribed to until recently). Each edition will be of varying lengths depending on what I'm commenting on. I will try to include a bit of everything to balance it. I hope you enjoy reading it. What the Satanic Elite are planning is totally public The quote on the left is just one example from an ocean of literature that publicly documents what the Satanic Elite are up to. It sounds awfully like what is going on. For nigh two years we were all told to be scared out of our wits about a virus that turned out to not be the Plague 2.0 that it was made out to be. The lockdowns, mask mandates etc., all turned out to be what many of us were saying at the time...destructive and suicidal to the state. The DeathJabs are now proving to be the toxic, deadly, DNA altering poisons we warned people about. And now, inflation is through the roof. Why? Because prices have gone up. And why have they gone up? Because our collective governments thought it a jolly good idea to print tonnes of money (or at least, press a load of zero's into a database to simulate money) which in turn has devalued our currencies, thus causing prices to go up. Example: my 50p bottle of milk is now £1, not because the quality of the milk has increased, but because my currency has halved in value thanks to government flooding the financial scene with more money. Of course, the governments of the now suicidal West are blaming the War in Ukraine on some of the problems. Our energy prices are sky-high because of Russia...even though we actually take very little from them. As usual, we are all being fed a lie. The Elites already had the DeathJab waiting for rollout, they just needed an excuse. They already were going to wreck the economy, they just needed a reason. It's Problem-Reaction-Solution: They manufacture a problem, control the public's reaction via media, and then impose the solution they already had waiting. UK Heatwave and People's Stupid Response We are currently experiencing another heatwave in the UK where the temperature is over 30C again. As someone who can't stand anything over 25C, this is akin to being in Hell for me. Ironic, considering that I was recently diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency so I am taking Vitamin D supplements. You'd think I'd be out there in the sun for a top up. Alas, I can only tolerate the hot sun for a short while, after which....see ya! We're told our recent heatwaves are due to Climate Change. Naturally, if anything happens out of the ordinary with the weather, it's Climate Change. And considering I live in a country where the weather is extremely temperamental at times, that out-of-the-ordinary phenomena is quite frequent. I'm waiting to see if our winter is anything out of the ordinary. If so, the Climate Alarmists will be out in force again. And speaking of Climatism, why is using electricity to warm your home or cool your home bad for the environment, but using that same electricity to charge your Tesla isn't bad for the environment? Another case of the elitist "it's okay when I do it" mentality. We are also having a drought, we're told, leading to people panic-buying bottled water. Just stop and think about that for a moment. People are panic-buying bottles of water when they already have drinkable water at home via their taps! And how can we be having a drought when we're an island surrounded on all sides by water?! Hasn't Her Majesty's Government heard of desalination - turning sea water into drinking water? How is it possible that we - the once masters of the seas - can't process sea water? It boggles the mind how we're ruled by such babbling clowns, but then I remember that democracy is a sham and our politicians are puppets installed by the Elite. Just look at Joe Biden, for Heaven's sake! Housework and Prepping I have been slowly re-arranging my home and storing things in proper places. Mainly, I have been buying collapsible storages boxes and putting them everywhere. So far, I have used them in the living room and I'm about to set them up in my kitchen. They are fantastic. They are also going to be used in my wardrobes to keep my clothes in neat places. Whilst tidying up, it sprang into my mind to turn one of my small storage cupboards into a pantry and stockpile foodstuffs. What with the rising prices and no doubt the further break down of supply chains, it may get a bit hairy when one attempts to buy food. So, I've been slowly looking at foods I can buy and which will last for a while. I've been advising friends do the same thing as well. Nothing dramatic, but just quietly prepping for whatever may get thrown against the fan. I'm also stockpiling things like candles, batteries, matches, etc. I am trying to (un-successively) move away from electricity as much as I can. I've even gone to switching my internet off when I leave for work and when I go to bed. I know actually doesn't save much money, but at least it disconnects me from the noise on the interwebs. I have a ton of books to read - both Catholic and secular - and I've gone anywhere near them due to my confessed internet addiction. Bible In A Year One of the practises I got into and then fell out of as quickly - and which I am struggling to get back into - is the Bible In A Year podcast by Ascension Press. It became the #1 Podcast in the world on Apple. It's literally a priest reading portions of the Bible every day for a year. I did end up buying Ascension Press's Bible and their BIAY Companions. They've now come out with a notebook. I wished they did that earlier as I've already got my own notebooks that I am working in! I listen to the podcasts on Hallow (see image left), a fantastic Catholic app that has a ton of content. It even has hymns and Gregorian chant for prayer, studying, etc. They also have audio rosaries (I use these as I'm terrible at praying the Rosary by myself and I can also pray along whilst doing chores...especially with my Bluetooth speaker), novena's and even reading challenges. If you don't have Hallow but are interested in the BIAY, you can find the episodes on Youtube. Ascension have recently announced that from January 2023, they are doing the Catechism In A Year. I'm still debating on whether follow this podcast, since the recent editing of the Catechism isn't very appealing. And plus, I prefer the older Catechisms are they are much easier to understand and you don't get doctrinal indigestion! The CCC has some rather chunky paragraphs that look extremely unhealthy. A simple question and answer for me, please. Next to all that, I have taken up the Imitation of Christ and something called Christ in the Gospel, which is a small book with all the Gospels in chorological order with a reading for each day. It helps me to meditate for a about 15 mins on what Christ did and how He is speaking to me now. Feast of the week The 15th August is the Feast of the Assumption. It is the principal feast of Our Lady, as it the crowning of all her graces and the epitome of her glory. On this day, Our Lady was assumed, body and soul, by her Divine Son into the glories of Heaven, to the praises and singing of the Angelic Host whereupon, as follows the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, she was crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth. Here in England, we are celebrating the feast twice: on Sunday as an External Solemnity and on Monday as the Feast Proper. The 16th August is the feast of St. Joachim, the Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Grandfather of Jesus Christ. He and his wife, St. Anne, lived in Nazareth. They were old in years and were sort of derided for having no children: a sign of God's judgment in Jewish culture. After much prayer, St. Anne eventually conceived the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was preserved free from all stain of Original Sin by Almighty God in view of her great role as the Mother of God. Thus, St. Joachim was the Grandfather of God, and no doubt spent many happy days with his Divine Grandson. May he intercede for all fathers and grandfathers, especially those who have no children, that they may be blessed by Almighty God, if not with children, then with an abundance of grace and a happy and holy marriage.
April 2024