26 September 2019 | St. Mark the Evangelist In another display of how the Modernists are promoting the Great Apostasy and the establishment of the Kingdom of Antichrist, the Vatican released a video of Francis calling for political and religious leaders to sign a Global Educational Pact to "educate us in universal solidarity and a new humanism". LifeSiteNews reports on this video message of the Argentine Pontiff. Now, for those of my readers who don't know what humanism is, let me give you a little lesson. Humanism is defined by Lexico as the following: 1 A rationalist outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. [Emphasis mine] Other definitions may be slightly different, but they do have a commonality: humanism is a secular, atheist religion where man is the centre and God is no where invoked. For a fuller explanation of humanism, you can read Wikipedia's article on it. I pray thee, my dear reader: Why would any Catholic, let alone Francis, call for a philosophical position that is purely athiestical and which admits no god and no religion? Mind you, this is not the first time Francis has called for humanism, that is, for a man centred ideology that purposefully excludes the Divine. As I said in a comment on a LifeSiteNews article, the Modernists are just Ecclesial Atheists. They have NO supernatural Faith. They DO NOT believe in any point of Catholic doctrine. ANY OF IT. And anyone who has ever read Pascendi (if you haven't, you NEED to) will know that one of the doctrines of Modernism is that God is not transcendent, but rather imminent. Thus, they have a Pantheistic notion of God. This perfectly explains why the Modernists are all pushing the Amazon Synod (which by the way was years in the making), which is all about syncretism, that is, absorbing or confounding Catholicism with heathenistic religions. And, to dispel any erroneous understanding, Modernism didn't just spontaneously combust into the Church in 1965; it was eased in in the 19th Century, and has roots first from Protestantism and then with Freemasonic Enlightenment ideas, with Immanuel Kant's philosophical writings being a point of origin for the philosophic groundwork of Modernism. It was originally called Liberalism until 1907 when St. Pius X gave it the name by which we now know it: Modernism. Sadly, even the saintly Pontiff had to admit that his Encyclical was really far too late to stem the tide. He foresaw what would happen in the Church should the Modernists be left unchecked and allowed to assume authority in the Church. It also has to be said: The outcome of Vatican II was no accident. It was the means by which the Modernists could - pardon the expression - come out of the closet, and publicly launch their heresy into the Church. That is why the original schemas of Vatican II was brushed aside, and new schemas were drawn up, all of which was soaked in Modernist doctrine from beginning to end. Naturally, I do not know the thoughts and intentions of either Pope John XXIII or Paul VI, and I do not wish to pass judgment on either Pontiff; first, because I have no right to do so, and second, because I do not wish, either way, to pass judgment which may be false. There are far too many arguments and counter-arguments for this or that opinion on these men, and I do not wish to add to that list. All I know is that, whatever the intentions of John XXIII when he planned it, the Second Vatican Council has become a stain on the Church. The documents, when read truthfully, are compromise documents. They pander to both the orthodox Catholic and the Modernist; they say that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ and is necessary for salvation, but then also go on to say that the Church of Christ can also be found in other ecclesial communities. Any Catholic worth their salvation will know that the Catholic Church is the ONE AND ONLY CHURCH FOUNDED BY JESUS CHRIST. This humanism called for by Francis is nothing new. It was called for by the Modernists at the Council, and, sadly, canonised in the Constitution Gaudium et Spes, #12: According to the almost unanimous opinion of believers and unbelievers alike, all things on earth should be related to man as their center and crown. [Emphasis mine] But, is man the centre and crown of all things on earth, or is it God? Well, for a Catholic like myself - you know, the orthodox Catholic that Francis likes to demonise as "rigid" and having "serious problems"....that sort - God is the centre and crown of all things on earth. God is the centre of human society, of the Church, of private and public life. From the moment I wake to the moment I sleep, I am bound to follow the Law of God. I follow His Law because He created me, and He created me to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him in this life, and to be happy with Him in the next. In fact, I should have a perfect love for God; a love so perfect, that the very thought of Him should lift me into a spiritual ecstasy. Incidentally, an article commenting on the above quote from Gaudium et Spes says: This is blasphemy. There is no other word to describe it. If all things on earth should be related to man as their center and crown, this means that everything should be measured by man's law, not God's. This means that man is actually God, for all intents and purposes - everything is to be related to him. Man has been put in the place of God. BINGO. This is Humanism, folks. Smack dab in a Conciliar document for all to see. What did I say earlier? Modernists are Ecclesial Atheists. They have no supernatural Faith. Let me repeat. MODERNISTS ARE ATHEISTS. THEY HAVE NO SUPERNATURAL FAITH. THIS IS THE JUDGEMENT OF POPE ST. PIUS X. Yes, that's right. The Catholic Church is currently being governed by atheists. Now, you can't say that God doesn't have a sense of humour. He has allowed the Church - no doubt as a punishment on us all for being such wicked sinners - to be run by men who don't even have any supernatural Faith whatsoever. And what is worse, they are unleashing their Modernism like never before, hence why the Vatican is placing such emphasis on "our common home" and the environment. Folks, our home is not earth, it's Heaven. This present mortal life is just a passing phase. But to hear these men talk, you'd think there were no Four Last Things: Death, Judgement, Heaven, Hell. Many of them clearly don't believe in life everlasting, or if they do, they screen their beliefs so that all the horrid, sordid parts are cut out, like Hell and the eternal suffering of the damned and the damnation of evil men, etc. In the end, we see proved the argument of St. Pius X, namely, that Modernism leads to atheism, which we see evidently before our eyes whenever we read a news article about the Church or hear the drivel that proceeds out of the mouths of Modernists. Once you truly grasp Modernism and what it teaches, you begin to see just how infected the Church currently is with what St. Pius X called "the synthesis of all heresies". Feast of Ss. Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs. Ss. Cosmas & Damian, pray for the Church and for us!
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