It is true that the end of all desires is happiness, which is a perfect state with the presence of all goods. No one reaches this state except by an ultimate union with Him Who is the Fountain and Origin of all goods that are both natural and gratuitous, both bodily and spiritual, both temporal and eternal. And this is the One Who said Himself: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End" (Rv 1:8). As all things are produced through the Word eternally spoken, so all things are restored, advanced and completed through the Word united to the Flesh. Therefore He is truly properly called Jesus, because there is no other name under Heaven given to men by which one can obtain salvation. (Acts 4:12). St. Bonaventure The Tree of Life Psalm You are the Fairest of the children of men and graciousness is poured upon Your Lips: because God has blessed You for evermore. O Mighty One, gird Your Sword upon Your Thigh; in splendour and state, ride on in triumph for the cause of truth and goodness and right. Take aim with Your Bow in Your Dread Right Hand. Your Arrows are sharp: peoples fall beneath You. The foes of the King fall down and lose heart. Your Throne, O God, shall endure for ever. A sceptre of justice is the sceptre of Your Kingdom. Your Love is for justice; Your Hatred for evil. Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness above other kings: Your Robes are fragrant with aloes and myrrh. From the ivory palace You are greeted with music. The daughters of kings are among Your loved ones. On Your Right Hand stands the Queen in gold of Ophir. Psalm 44: 3-10 Prayers Believing, hoping, and loving with my whole heart, with my whole world, and with my whole strength, may I be carried to You, Beloved Jesus, as to the Goal of all things, because You Alone are sufficient, You Alone Are Good and Pleasing to those who seek You and Love your Name. For You, my Good Jesus, are the Redeemer of the lost, the Saviour of the redeemed, the Hope of exiles the Strength of labourers, the Sweet Solace of anguished spirits, the Crown and Imperial Dignity of the triumphant, the Unique Reward and Joy of all the Citizens of Heaven, the Renowned Offspring of the Supreme God and the Sublime Fruit of the Virginal Womb, the Abundant Fountain of all graces, of Whose Fullness we have all received. St. Bonaventure Tree of Life. Ah, Most Sweet Jesus, mortify within me all that is bad. Put to death in me all that is vicious and unruly. Kill whatever displeases Thee. Mortify within me all that is my own. Give me true humility, true patience, and true charity. Grant me perfect control of my tongue, my senses, and all my members. Adorn me with Thy merits and virtues. Prepare for Thyself, for Thyself only, a pleasing tabernacle, a delightful dwelling for Thyself within me. Renew my spirit, my soul, and my body with Thy grace. Conform me to Thy Sacred Manhood. Reform the faculties of my soul through the Most Holy Faculties of Thy Soul. Remake me according to Thy Own Heart. Give me true simplicity of soul, that I may seek only thee. Enlighten my mind. Grant me peace to unite Myself to Thee in my soul without let to hindrance from created things. Kindle within me the Fire of Thy Love. Consume me in Thy Fire. Transform me, that nothing may live within me, but Thee only, O Lord. Ludovicus Blosius Book of Spiritual Instruction By what boundless mercy, my Saviour, have you allowed me to become a member of Your Body: me, the unclean, the defiled, the prodigal? How is it that You have clothed me in the brilliant garment radiant with the splendour of Immortality, which turns all my members into light? Your Body, Immaculate and Divine, is All Radiant with the Fire of Your Divinity, with which it is ineffably joined and combined. This is the gift You have given me, my God: that this mortal and shabby frame has become one with Your Immaculate Body and that my blood has been mingled with Your Blood. I know, too, that I have been made one with Your Divinity and have become Your Own Most Pure Body, a brilliant member, transparently lucid, luminous and holy. I see the beauty of it all. I can gaze on the radiance. I have become a reflection of Your Grace. St Symeon the New Theologian Hymns of Divine Love
April 2024