In the third part of our meditation on the Pater, let us now ponder on the words, Thy Kingdom come. In these three words are contained volumes of theology, such is the profundity of the Pater; alas! a testament to its Divine origin. When we say Thy Kingdom come, what are we exactly asking for? Well, from a traditional (and politically incorrect!) Catholic position, we are asking for two main things to come about. 1] In our person Firstly, we are asking that the Kingdom of Heaven reign in our hearts, and to govern us according to the Divine Law and to conform us to be citizens of the Heavenly Homeland. Thus, if the Kingdom of Heaven is to exist in our hearts, the Kingdom of Hell cannot, and so we are asking that all things contrary to the Reign of Christ be purged out of us, not only from our hearts, but from our entire being. This purging, many forget, is a painful process, as God strips from us our faults - every fault, both visible and invisible. With this, the Catholic is asking that he perfectly conform himself to the Reign of Christ in all things, and conduct himself with the dignity conferred upon him not only as a son of the Church, but also a son of God, and a prince of Heaven. Thus, from the moment he wakes to the moment he sleeps, the Catholic's life is disciplined by the Laws of God, Morality and Nature, as well as the civil laws he is under. The Catholic, along with his family, is under the Kingship of Jesus Christ - and by extension, the Queenship of Mary - and thus the family itself must be modelled upon the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. He must consecrate himself, and his family, to the Lord and be obedient to the laws which God has laid down for the governance of the Catholic himself and his family. Whilst it is true that government cannot invade into your private life, the same is not so with God, nor of His Church. For exactly what you do in your private life directly affects whether you shall enter Heaven, or descend into Hell. For whilst you may conceal actions from the State, you cannot do so with God. Because of this, Christ constituted that the Church should guide the morals of Her faithful, and it is incumbent upon every Catholic to faithfully execute these laws in his private life. It must be quickly recognised and understood that Christ is not a democratic leader, like some US President. He is the King of the Universe, the Lord of the World, and the Lawgiver. He reigns by right of birth, not popular acclamation. His Kingship is absolute, and enters into every aspect of life. Were Christ to appear to you and command you to some action, the Catholic should not question but rather obey, even as Our Lady obeyed the Lord when He sent His Angel to Her. Christ the King expects nothing less than total submission to His Will, for only then can a Catholic be stripped of everything that damages his chances of reaching Heaven. This total submission to the Will of God is often called Holy Slavery, and is not only shown to God alone, but also, by His command, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is our Queen and Mistress. Thus, the Catholic will obey the King and Queen who rule over his Heavenly Homeland, his true Home, and over his private and public life, his family, and everything that he does. I don't quite think that many Catholics understand this. Neither Christ nor His Mother are democrats; rather they are absolute Monarchs, and in the case of Christ, a Divine Absolute Monarch. Man is forbidden to adore any earthly prince, any Caesar; yet there is a Caesar he may adore with all his heart, Christ the Lord, Who the holy Council of Trent called the Celestial Emperor. 2] In society Secondly, we are also asking for the Social Reign of Christ. The Church teaches de fide that Christ must, and should, reign every State on earth and the governments of those States. In short, Christ must be proclaimed the exclusive God and King of every nation on earth. A modern example of this is Poland. In 2016, the Parliament of Poland voted to have the Catholic Church consecrate Poland to the Lord, and to ask Him to be King of Poland. Since then, we may note, Poland has surged in protecting herself and her people, and even Catholics in Poland are resisting more vocally novelties which the current Pontificate visits upon us. In short, Poland is becoming more socially and religiously Catholic. Naturally, I'd prefer Poland be a monarchy, as Catholic Monarchy more perfectly reflects the Kingship of Christ, and the King in principle becomes the representative of Christ in his Kingdom. With this, the State must conform itself to the revealed Religion, which since AD33 has been Catholicism. The State cannot openly promote false religions; though it may tolerate them for the peace of society. The State must also conform itself to Divine, Moral and Natural Laws, as well as to the traditions and customs of the people, which are to be fostered and promoted, providing they are not contrary to the Catholic Faith. Along with Pius IX, I have no disturbance in saying that Monarchy is the best of all governments, whilst I can also equally affirm that, when abused, it is also one of the worst of all governments. Thus, the King should not be absolutist, but nevertheless should have real power, and not so constrained by a Constitution that makes him more of a figure head than a ruler. A king who must beg his bread from government, is no king. It may be frightening to many today, especially since we now travail under the Freemasonic principles of the pretended Enlightenment, to ever posit that Church and State are not separate and that they are interdependent. Whilst both have their proper authorities, yet they are bound together. This relationship between Church and State was understood for centuries, before the so-called Reformation made religion a department of the government, made the King pope (known as Caesaropapism) over his own national church, and made religion a democratic exercise. Whilst the Catholic was careful to follow the command of Christ to render to God and to Caesar what is, of charity, due to them, the Protestant rather rendered to Caesar everything that was God's, namely His Church, His Doctrine, and His Worship. This democratisation of Christianity, and its wresting away from the only authority to govern it - the Holy Roman Church, allowed the Freemasons, the chiefest enemy of the Church, to impose their Luciferian agenda on Europe and the world. This agenda is One World Government and a Universal Syncretic Religion. They have thus far been successful in their destruction of Christendom. Some of the movements they have designed:
By asking for God's Kingdom to come, what we are really asking is for the end of the Freemasonic rule over the world, and the restoration of Christendom, not just in Europe, but world wide. We are asking for Catholic Order to reign in every nation on earth, and for Christ to be publicly proclaimed King. When Christ commanded that the Church baptise every person in the world, He also included Kings, princes and government rulers, which would lead to the Catholic Confessional State. Nothing should excite the heart of good Catholics than to pray for the world to be brought under the peaceful Reign of Jesus and Mary. Indeed, as Our Lady told us at Fatima, this Reign will come regardless of whether men want it or not. There is only so far that a King will tolerate rebellion against his lawful rule before he must enforce his kingship over his subjects. Psalm 2 informs us of this: Why have the Gentiles raged, and the people devised vain things? The kings of the earth stood up, and the princes met together, against the Lord and against His Christ. Let us break Their bonds asunder: and let us cast away Their yoke from us. He that dwelleth in Heaven shall laugh at them: and the Lord shall deride them. Then shall He speak to them in His anger, and trouble them in His rage. Thus, we should be bold in praying for the Reign of Jesus and Mary. And as the Spanish Catholics were wont to proclaim: Viva Christo Rey!
April 2024